مزادنا السنوي للخدمات قادم! أرسل تبرعاتك قبل 29 سبتمبر!

Each year UUCMP members offer delicious meals, experiences in nature, musical opportunities, garden advice, cooking lessons, original craft items, and so much more as a different way to connect with our church community. By joining in the fun, you are also contributing to a major church fund-raising event. This year our theme is “Fabulous Fiction.”
What creative new idea do you have for this year’s virtual on-line Silent Auction? Or for the hybrid Live Auction on the final night? Maybe you have a tried-and-true offering that folks eagerly await each year? Think about things that people love to eat and to share!
Do you have something homemade you want to donate? Or a painting, a unique photograph, an interesting item collected while traveling, a piece of jewelry you don’t wear any longer?
Our on-line SILENT AUCTION will begin on Saturday, October 20, and will run for the entire week, culminating in a hybrid LIVE AUCTION on Saturday, October 26.
The deadline for auction submissions is September 29. There is a submission form and more info on the UUCMP website at https://uucmp.org/service-auction-2024 There are also paper submission forms available at church.