Arkiver: Tjenester

"Healing gennem indfødt historiefortælling og ceremoni"

Speakers: The Indigenous Caucus of the Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) and Susan Panttaja. During General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association in June 2021, the Indigenous Caucus offered a powerful worship experience that wove together stories, poetry, and songs from many indigenous cultures. This rich presentation will be the central element of … Fortsæt med at læse “Healing through Indigenous Storytelling and Ceremony”

"Hvor kommer vi fra?"

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Ray Krise In many cultures, this time of year marks a thinning of the veil, a time when our ancestors who have died are nearer than usual. For many of us, the legacy of our ancestry is a mixed bag of traits and history that is handed down for generations, even … Fortsæt med at læse “Where Do We Come From?”

"Hvordan dyrker vi vores religion?"

Rev. Tet Gallardo, Laura Nagel, & W.A. Kathleen CraigWe all come from many different family cultures, ethnic cultures, and work cultures. Yet sometimes UUs are not sensitive to this great diversity. The UU Church of the Philippines recently submitted a proposed amendment to add “cultures as communities of practice” to the current six sources of … Fortsæt med at læse “How Do We Culture Our Religion?”

“Hele familien”

Ann Jacobson & Karen BrownWe are all part of this church family, and we’re part of many other families too. This service will celebrate and honor many kinds of relationships, what makes them survive and what makes them thrive. Join in a celebration of diversity and unity as we hear from others in our congregation … Fortsæt med at læse “Wholly Family”

"Lyt med"

Rev. Li Kynvi & W.A. Sue Ellen StringerOne of the most important relationships we can cultivate is with ourself. Today we will explore listening deeply to ourselves and responding to whatever is there with accepting, gentle curiosity– whether or not it’s what we want or expect to hear. (Spoiler alert: this is much easier said … Fortsæt med at læse “Listen In”

"Venners pleje og madning"

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Ann Jacobson The pandemic has been a trying time for friendships! Yet it has provided an opportunity, too, to take stock of what we miss – and what we don’t miss – about friendships and other relationships that we may have taken for granted. No matter what our social needs are, … Fortsæt med at læse “The Care and Feeding of Friends”

"Mindset skaber mulighed"

(Shortened) Worship Service & Connections FairSusan Panttaja & W.A. Ken Cuneo“Ask what’s possible, not what’s wrong,” says Dr. Margaret Wheatley. For some of us, this is easier said than done! This morning, we will briefly consider the benefits of being open to possibilities, especially in the service of collaborating with others. We will then celebrate … Fortsæt med at læse “Mindset Creates Possibility”

"Himmelske muligheder"

Karen Brown & Lee HulquistPopular culture, music, film, and books combine with science and world religions to give us many ideas about an afterlife. Our UU faith does not choose for us. This service will offer a look at our individual choices from among the many possibilities and the choice to create our own.

"Umulige drømme"

Rev. Dr. Barbara Wells ten Hove & W.A. Ray Krise In the brilliant musical, Man of La Mancha, we are challenged by its message to live fully in what is while still dreaming of what could be. It is this collision of the world as it is and the world as it might be that … Fortsæt med at læse “Impossible Dreams”

"Muligheden for en sund jord"

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Bjorn NilsonThese days, the devastating effects of human activity on our “blue boat home” are everywhere. The problems can seem overwhelming. Yet if we are willing to face the situation, we can join with others to work for a healthier Earth. Today we will acknowledge the challenges ahead and draw strength … Fortsæt med at læse “The Possibility of a Healthy Earth”