Arkiver: Tjenester

"Kan du høre os nu? Hvordan forbinder vi os i en pluralistisk verden?"

Worship Associates Shannon Morrison, Bjorn Nilson and Ray KrisePluralism celebrates diversity, encourages dialogue, and recognizes the value of multiple perspectives. Religious pluralism acknowledges the coexistence of various religious traditions and beliefs. It promotes mutual respect, dialogue, and understanding among adherents of different faiths. Sounds like us Unitarian Universalists doesn’t it? But how do we reconcile … Fortsæt med at læse “Can You Hear Us Now? How Do We Connect In a Pluralistic World?”

"Væve visdom"

DRE Sharyn Routh and Rev. Axel GehrmannOurs is a community of religious learning and exploration, all of us teachers and learners weaving our wisdom together, so that together we might find greater truths. This spirit of exploration is most apparent in our activities that involve all ages. This morning’s multi-generational service will celebrate this year’s … Fortsæt med at læse “Weaving Wisdom”

"Vibrerende sameksistens"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max CajarWe UUs are known for being tolerant of a wide spectrum of beliefs, but tolerance can mean “putting up with,” or “live and let live.” What might an emphatic embrace of our differing beliefs look like? Can we practice not merely a passive toleration, but a vibrant, engaged … Fortsæt med at læse “Vibrant Coexistence”

“Mere end summen”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey Brunson We celebrate the diversity of belief among us: humanists and Christians, Buddhists and Pagans, Hindus and Jews, theists and atheists worshipping side by side. This may lead some to wonder, what is it we hold in common? Do we collectively settle on the lowest common denominator we … Fortsæt med at læse “More Than the Sum”

“Hjemme i den naturlige verden”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann Johnson “Being at home” conjures up images of settling in on a comfortable sofa, or at the kitchen table within four walls and under a roof. We are at home indoors. However health professionals say it is beneficial for body and soul to spend time outdoors, enjoying the … Fortsæt med at læse “At Home in the Natural World”

"Du siger kartoffel . . ."

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Christina ZaroIn this age of great polarization and division, it can be hard to engage in dialogue with those with whom we differ politically, religiously, and philosophically. And yet, perhaps there is some value in finding ways to share our perspectives and values, and maybe there’s even a case … Fortsæt med at læse “You Say Potato . . .”

"Denne dans vi laver"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Celia BarberenaIt is well established that we are not isolated beings. “No one is an island,” a poet memorably wrote. Scientists and sages agree that we exist within an interdependent web, a network of mutuality. We each play a part in the dance of life. How can we be … Fortsæt med at læse “This Dance We Do”

"Radikale opstandelser"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey Brunson This Easter Sunday, we will consider what aspects of ourselves, our community, our world, might benefit from some extreme life-restoring measures. How might we all seek to come back to life in this season of spring and rebirth? OOS:

"Den langsomme proces med øjeblikkelig forandring"

Rev. Susan Panttaja and Worship Associate Ray KriseMany of us experience moments of epiphany in our lives, when our perspectives shift dramatically. Likewise, there are times in our societies when something monumental seems to change overnight. Yet most often, like the buildup of pressure before an earthquake, what seems sudden is the result of forces … Fortsæt med at læse “The Slow Process of Instant Change”