Arkiver: Tjenester

"Vær lyset"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bjorn Nilson This year our canvass theme is “Be the Light.” How can we best be the beacon of religious liberalism on the hill– how can our lights shine even more brightly to illumine our hearts and minds and those of our fellow spiritual seekers?

"Fair Play in the Game of Life"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Lauren Keenan It is self-evident that all people are created equal, some have said – as if equality were a given in this great nation. Our UU principles affirm “equity,” rather than “equality.” Equity and equality are two aspects of the justice we strive toward – both point to … Fortsæt med at læse “Fair Play in the Game of Life”

"Kan du høre folk synge?"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Christina Zaro Les Misérables is a classic tale of inequity and the quest for justice. This morning we will explore the themes of this musical, based on the novel by Victor Hugo — a tale of love, betrayal, revolution, idealism, and redemption. OOS:

"Vi lever i håb"

Fletcher Brunson, Jillian Marshall, and Worship Associate Corey Brunson Many people today are expressing discouragement with the world, citing problems such as climate change, political unrest, and cruelty towards others, Yet this is a situation that has faced each generation for millennia. Love liberates hope. We can have hope for a better and more just … Fortsæt med at læse “We Live in Hope”

"En lille kærlighedshandling kan frigøre et liv"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max Cajar When we think of liberation, we often think of monumental social movements, heroic leaders, and large-scale actions, and yet, it is often small, quiet gestures of love that can make an enormous difference in a life. We certainly admire and appreciate the huge coordinated acts for liberation, … Fortsæt med at læse “A Small Act of Love Can Liberate a Life”

"Af drømme og drømmere"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Celia Barberena In the summer of 1963, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered a speech in Washington, D.C., which called for civil and economic rights. It is considered one of the most iconic speeches in American history. Best remembered and most quoted today are his words, “I have … Fortsæt med at læse “Of Dreams and Dreamers”

"Kærlighed vil sætte os fri"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ray Krise The great Erma Bombeck wrote a book called Family – The Ties that Bind…and Gag! Love is often thought of as a connecting, binding force, but can it also be a freeing, liberating power as well? We will explore ways that we might be freer in our … Fortsæt med at læse “Love Will Set Us Free”

"Eksisterer mirakler?"

Bjorn Nilson and Worship Associate Kathleen SullivanAlbert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Wherein we will ride the horns of this dilemma together. OOS:

“Stearnlyssgudstjeneste juleaften”

One service at 5:00 p.m.(There will be no 10:30 a.m. worship service on December 24.)Revs. Elaine & Axel Gehrmann, Ray Krise & Robin JensenJoin us for stories of the season, carols and candlelight. All ages are welcome! And please feel free to bring a plate of cookies to share. OOS:

'Winter Lights - Music Sunday'

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Jorge Torrez, Lucy Faridany, and the UUCMP Community ChoirFor our annual winter holiday Music Sunday, Jorge Torrez, Lucy Faridany and our UUCMP Community Choir will share an inspiring assortment of global music, lighting our way, and calling us to more light, more peace, more hope, and more love.  OOS: