Handlinger for social retfærdighed i marts og april

Actions: Americans of Conscience – Actions for the Week. The AoC Checklist features clear, well-researched actions for Americans who value democracy, equality, voting, and decency.


Handling:  Stay engaged and resist the Trump administration’s illegal seizure of Congressional powers and its violation of Constitutional, civil, and human rights.  Contact your legislators, issue by issue, persistently – and organize!

Contact all members of Congress:

·        U.S. Senators by phone: (202) 224-3121

·        Congress members by email: Congress.gov

·        Congress members by mail: Representatives / Senators

·        Congress members by fax: Representatives / Senators

·        Contact all your officials at once by Resistbot: Resist.bot/officials

Contact White House or other federal agencies:

·        usa.gov/federal-agencies


Handlingsadvarsler:  Besøg FCNLs Action Center for en liste over handlingsadvarsler og forudformaterede/redigerbare breve til medlemmer af Kongressen. Arrangeret af Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Center (FCNL).
