"Akkompagnement og læne sig op i tillid i usikre tider"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann med Heather Vickery forkyndelse og tilbedelse Associate Christina ZaroAccompaniment er den radikale handling at være sammen med nogen, selv når det er hårdt, og man ikke ved, hvordan tingene vil udvikle sig. Med stigningen i fascismen i hele vores land, fortæller vores samfund os ofte, at vi skal isolere os, tage os af vores egne først, … Fortsæt med at læse “Accompaniment, and Leaning into Trust in Uncertain Times”

“Worthy of Trust”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max CajarTo trust and be trusted is a warm and wonderful feeling. However the sense of safety and support trust offers us is more than a feel-good experience. Trust is also an essential ingredient in all healthy relationships, societies, and civilizations. Given the social significance of trust, and troubling … Fortsæt med at læse “Worthy of Trust”

“The Many Dimensions of Trust”

Worship Associates Jon Czarnecki and Lauren Keenan Can I trust you? This is one of the most intimate questions a person can ask of another person. This morning we will explore what trust means. Sociologists have identified at least three dimensions of trust. Often one kind of trust leads us to unexpected (and unwanted) consequences … Fortsæt med at læse “The Many Dimensions of Trust”