„Ich bin nur Geschichten“

Pfarrerin Elaine Gehrmann und Gottesdienstmitarbeiter Jon Czarnecki Seit unserer frühesten Kindheit erfahren wir durch Geschichten etwas über unsere Familie. Geschichten von Vorfahren, Traditionen, Skandalen und Heiligen. Wenn wir älter werden, spielen wir die Hauptrolle in unseren eigenen Geschichten von Versagen und Triumph, Liebe und Verlust, Kampf und Hoffnung. Heute Morgen werden wir über die vielen Geschichten nachdenken, die wir … Weiterlesen “All I Am is Stories”

“Beyond the Book’s Cover”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max Cajar A book’s cover catches the eye and may offer clues as to what we will find inside. However more subtle and substantive stories often await those who take the time to peruse the pages, look more closely, and read between the lines of our lives. If you … Weiterlesen “Beyond the Book’s Cover”

“Let Your Life Speak”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Allysson McDonaldIt is often said that actions speak louder than words. There are a few remarkable individuals, like Rev. Dr. King, whose lives told volumes about their principles, ethics, and values. How might the story of our lives better reflect our most deeply held beliefs? If you would like … Weiterlesen “Let Your Life Speak”

“Our Stories”

Worship Associates Ann Johnson, Christina Zaro, Ray Krise, and Lauren KeenanStorytelling is baked into our DNA. Very few things are truly universal across cultures, but basic storytelling appears to be one of them. Every culture has its own narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values. Today … Weiterlesen “Our Stories”