RE Wöchentlicher Newsletter 11.9.24

11. September 2024

Liebe UUCMP-Familien,

Last weekend we divided out of our “One Room Schoolhouse” model and our elementary students got to meet our new teacher, Daisy!   Elementary age kiddos were able to meet in our center classroom which has been used for storage since the onset of the pandemic. Our tweens/teens in 7th-9th grade started the Crossing Paths curriculum and will be meeting on our lower level in the Clara Barton room.   This Sunday Crossing Paths will have a few guest volunteers to serve as interviewees for our teens to ask questions about their faith.

Don’t forget to stop by the RE Table at the Connections Fair after church this Sunday!

For children kindergarten through sixth grade we have some engaging activities planned around this month’s theme: Einladung.  We recently had two new families visit – we hope to get to know each other through games and play and discover what is inside the Wonder Box this week!

Our monthly Committee on Family Ministry met tonight and will meet again the last Tuesday of the month – our next meeting will take place September 24, 2024 from 7:00pm – 8:15pm.  Please join to learn more about upcoming opportunities and to share your ideas for our RE programming.  

With warmth and gratitude,


Shannon Morrison (she/her)

Stellvertretender Direktor für religiöse Erforschung


This Week in Religious Exploration (RE):  

We will introduce the Wonder Box for the Elementary ages and our Tweens and Teens will learn more about Crossing Paths which begins September 8th.

THANK YOU!  Wir hatten so viel Glück, im Religionsunterricht helfende Hände zu haben – Danke an unsere Freiwilligen Karen Braun, Max Cajar  Lauren Keenan Und Warren Finch for all your contributions this month. 

??  Upcoming Activities & Events

* September 14 – Parents Night Out!  Rescheduling – New Date TBD!

* September 21 – Autumn Equinox Celebration Bonfire

Celebrate the beginning of fall – All UUCMP families and friends who wish to participate – Beach Bonfire – 6pm – 8pm – More information to follow.

* September 22 – Fun Adults Meet Up – Apple Picking and Lunch at Gizdich Ranch!

 * September 28 –  UUCMP @ MBFC Soccer Night – 7pm

Please NOTE: Date Change for Soccer!    Join your UUCMP friends for a night of soccer and fun!  $21 tickets, discounted parking passes also available for $15.  Carpooling is encouraged!  Join us in the lively “Supporters Section” for the game!  Email for more information or to reserve your spot.

Parents – Did you know RE Staff are at the building starting at 10:15am?  

Plan to arrive before service starts and your children can settle in and play before the service while their adults enjoy coffee and conversation.  After the service, children who are not picked up by 12:00 will walk with staff to be reconnected with their families.  If your family will be out of town, email Shannon um uns Bescheid zu geben, damit wir die Teilnahme planen können.

? Möchte Ihr Kind den Kelch anzünden? 

Jeden Sonntag versuchen wir, ein Kind oder einen Jugendlichen zu finden, der den Kelch anzündet. Das ist eine tolle Möglichkeit für Kinder, am Gottesdienst teilzunehmen. DRE Shannon kann Kindern vor dem Gottesdienst zeigen, wie es geht, wenn sie zum ersten Mal dabei sind oder eine Erinnerung brauchen. Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich am Sonntagmorgen an Shannon.