¿Te gusta comunicarte?

The UUCMP Communications Committee is seeking new members! The mission of the
Communications Committee is to inform and engage our congregation and the wider
community in a way that reflects and shares our principles, values, and mission. We provide,
design and/or oversee consistent and coordinated messaging for the Church, its events, and its
communication media, both internal and external communications.
As an example, we recently placed an advertisement in the Monterey County Weekly inviting
readers to come to Church and join us. If you like to write and proofread, would like to keep our
newsletters, website, and bulletin boards up to date, have skills with social media, or just want
to work to improve our Church’s communications, this is the Committee for you. Contact Ray
Krise if you are interested at “communications@uucmp.org” <communications@uucmp.org>