Archivos: Servicios

“La gracia de las cosas ordinarias”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Micah Forstein Las festividades de Pascua y Pascua celebran la liberación: encontrar una nueva vida después de haber sido esclavizados o sepultados. ¿Cómo podemos celebrar una nueva vida en lo familiar, encontrar rejuvenecimiento en lo ordinario y cómo podemos descubrir la resurrección y la gracia sin salir de casa?


Robin Jensen y WA Ann Jacobson Lealtad: no figura entre las siete virtudes celestiales, pero la tenemos en alta estima y algunos dicen que es la cualidad más importante de todas. ¿Qué es la lealtad? ¿Cuándo y por qué la mostramos? ¿Se gana o se da libremente? Bajo … Sigue leyendo “Loyalty”

“Nuestra Alianza con la Creación”

Reverenda Elaine Gehrmann y WA Ray Krise Mientras celebramos el equinoccio de primavera, es un buen momento para considerar las maravillas de nuestro hogar terrenal y nuestras obligaciones de cumplir con nuestras responsabilidades como sus habitantes. ¿Qué podríamos deberle a nuestra Madre Tierra y a nuestras criaturas compañeras?

"Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes por sí mismas"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Natalie Fryberger These are the well-known words of one of our Unitarian heroes, Thomas Jefferson, immortalized in the Declaration of Independence. But was it indeed self -evident for Jefferson that all people are created equal? From today’s vantage point, of course, it is clear the rights Jefferson envisioned were reserved … Sigue leyendo “We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident”

"Promesas promesas"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & Susan Panttaja It is often said that Unitarian Universalism is a covenantal faith. Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray has called the UUA the “embodiment of covenant . . . life-giving, life-affirming and justice-centered.” This morning we will explore what this might mean for us, and consider the promises … Sigue leyendo “Promises, Promises”

“Extendiendo nuestra zona de confort y nuestra amada comunidad”

Karen Brown & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer What do you and I risk/gain if we stay where it’s “safe?” What do we risk/gain if we move beyond our fear into what makes us uncomfortable? Some people say that Whites are too fragile to speak up and to hear about racism – and to really “promote” … Sigue leyendo “Stretching Our Comfort Zone and Our Beloved Community”

“De amor, panes y peces”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Ray Krise This Sunday marks the kickoff of our annual Stewardship campaign. (Please see page 10 for more information.) Appropriately, it falls on Valentine’s Day – a holiday devoted to love. But what is love? Is love something found at first sight? Is it unconditional? Or do we fall into … Sigue leyendo “Of Love, Loaves, and Fishes”

"Hacer un buen problema"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bjorn Nilson Representative John Lewis said, “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” He called this “making good trouble.” We can see many aspects of our current society that seem not right, … Sigue leyendo “Make Good Trouble”

“Haciendo un equilibrio. . . ¿Seres humanos o acciones humanas?”.

Bob Sadler & W.A. Natalie Fryberger Different traditions speak of an inner battle between two forces that are present in man: one being practical and more material, and the other raising our awareness to higher realms, “like fire that gives light and rises towards the divine.” This constant battle exemplifies the Human Being, the only … Sigue leyendo “Striking a Balance . . . Human Beings or Human Doings?”