Archivos: Servicios

“Yo y nosotros: cuidar de uno mismo mientras cuidamos de los demás”

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Ann Jacobson Sometimes it feels like a dichotomy: with our limited discretionary time, we can either attend to our own needs OR address the needs of others. But is it really an either/or? In this service we will explore the balancing act we can experience as we attempt to care for … Sigue leyendo “Me and We: Caring for Self While Caring for Others ”

“Encontrando tu pulpo interior”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Ken Cuneo We often think of balance as a point between two opposites: work and play, happy and sad, pain and pleasure. This morning we will address the concept of balance not as a binary, but multidimensionally, and consider the many tentacles of our inner octopuses.

Nuestro acto de equilibrio

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer We are at the beginning of a brand-new year, full ofboundless possibilities and unimagined potential. Andyet, the problems of the past year have not all beenmiraculously resolved. We will continue to bechallenged on many levels: personal and political,spiritual and physical, emotional and intellectual.Weighing the diverse demands of … Sigue leyendo Our Balancing Act

“La Fuerza en el Silencio”

Bob Sadler, Susan Panttaja, & Karen Brown Bob Sadler, Susan Panttaja, and Karen Brown will reflect on the wisdom of taking a break from our noisy world, and the ways stillness in communication, and in support for others, can enhance our lives. Could there be a New Year’s Resolution here? There will be quiet moments … Sigue leyendo “The Strength in Silence”

“Solsticio, Estrellas y Canto – Domingo de Música”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Camille Hatton & the UUCMP Community Choir For our annual winter holiday Music Sunday, Camille Hatton, Lucy Faridany and our UUCMP Community Choir will share an inspiring assortment of celestial music, reminding us that beauty, connection, and hope exist even in the darkest days.

"Noche silenciosa"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Erin Forstein Our multigenerational holiday celebration will focuson the ancient story of a family in search of shelter,and a baby born on a dark winter’s night – anunlikely savior in troubled times. Our children willhelp us rediscover this timeless tale of hope,wonder, and gladness.

“Baño de Bosque”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Mary Kay Hamilton The aim of forest bathing, is to slow down and become immersed in the natural environment. This morning we will take a virtual bath in the forest and engage in this ancient practice to find stillness and calm through our connection with nature. Please try to have … Sigue leyendo “Forest Bathing”

“Esperanza y Posibilidad en un Tiempo de Cambio Ambiental y Social”

Dan Fernandez & W.A. Robin Jensen Humanity and our planet face the existential challenge of induced climate change that we are responsible for. This represents what is most likely our greatest test as a species to date. In light of our current political, social, racial, and COVID struggles, how can we grapple with this pervasive … Sigue leyendo “Hope and Possibility In a Time of Environmental and Social Change”