Archivos: Servicios

“El mundo que soñamos”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer Our congregation’s mission statement says we strive to“change ourselves as we change the world.” With lovinghearts and open minds, we seek change not simply forchange’s sake – we hope to change the world for thebetter. So here is my question for you: if you had thepower to … Sigue leyendo “The World We Dream Of”

“Credo: Esto Creo”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Karen Brown& members of the “Creating Our Credos” class In Unitarian Universalism, we do not all believe thesame things. We do not recite a common creed orhold one book as sacred. We do affirm a free andresponsible search for truth and meaning, and wesupport one another on our individual spiritualpaths. … Sigue leyendo “Credo: This I Believe”

“La posibilidad de la paz”

Intern Susan Panttaja & W.A. Ken Cuneo Violence, armed conflict, political division – we seethem in the news every day. Yet we UUs keep workingtoward our 6th Principle goal of world community withpeace, liberty, and justice for all. How do we maintainhope that conflict can be resolved with good will andrespect? Where do we find … Sigue leyendo “The Possibility of Peace”

“Creo que puedo, creo que puedo”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Bob Sandler Are our abilities and potentials fixed and innate? Or are they malleable and unlimited? How are our life possibilities determined? And how can we affect these possible outcomes? This morning we will explore how we might influence our destinies, and how our mindsets may have a much greater … Sigue leyendo “I Think I Can, I Think I Can”

“Para todo una temporada”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Karen Brown We are living in extraordinary times. For many of us, the events of past weeks and months have been a rollercoaster ride of ever-changing, challenging experiences, shaking up our lives, and triggering a wide variety of deep thoughts and complicated feelings. When you are in the midst … Sigue leyendo “For Everything a Season”

“Conociéndome, Conociéndote”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer   One type of grief that many of us have experienced in the course of our lives is that of isolation and loneliness. A church community is a great place to help alleviate that grief, even in the midst of a pandemic. This morning we will … Sigue leyendo “Knowing Me, Knowing You”

“Rituales, recuerdos e historias”

Intern Minister Susan Panttaja and Worship Associate Kathleen Craig In the aftermath of loss, whether of a loved one, property, a job, or a dream, we humans seek comfort and meaning through performing rituals and by sharing memories and stories about times gone by. Through examining and sharing our memories, we may even be able … Sigue leyendo “Rituals, Memories, and Stories”


Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bob Sadler Grief is not an experience anyone would seek out intentionally. Suffering a loss is painful. If we could, we would surely do our best to avoid sorrow. However, grief is an inescapable part of life. Does this mean we must simply be resigned to this difficult reality? … Sigue leyendo “Good Grief?”

“Visiones de la utopía”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ken Cuneo Many writers, artists, and filmmakers have portrayed compelling visions of utopia – an ideal place, a future perfect world.  How might some of these visions help up to move closer to our goal of imagining and creating the world we dream of living in?

“El acto de la creación”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Kathleen Craig Of the countless names humans have used to describe God, one of the most universal and ancient is “Creator.”  Making something from nothing, changing this into that, making old things new, transforming death to new life – these are the seemingly miraculous powers associated with the divine.  … Sigue leyendo “The Act of Creation”