Archivos: Servicios

“Juega como un niño de cuatro años”

Susan Holland and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer “Children see the world differently from us grown-ups, because their expectations about how things ‘should’ be have not solidified yet!” – LEGO Build Yourself Happy – The Joy of LEGO Play Are you stuck in “adult” thinking that play is unproductive and a waste of time? Maybe … Sigue leyendo “Play Like a Four-Year-Old”

“Virtudes de una vida virtual”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Intern Susan Panttaja In the course of recent months, we have learned the value of wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining physical distance – for the sake of everyone’s safety and to avoid spreading a dangerous disease. Many of our physical, face-to-face meetings have been replaced by virtual meetings via computer … Sigue leyendo “Virtues of a Virtual Life”

“Practicando la Alegría”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer The spiritual practice of joy is one that may not come naturally to you, especially in challenging times, but there is much to be gained by intentionally welcoming more joy into your life. Smiling, dancing, singing and service are all ways to bring more joy and … Sigue leyendo “Practicing Joy”

"A quien le interese"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Robin Jensen There’s an old joke that Unitarian Universalists begin their prayers with the words “To Whom It May Concern.”  Of course, this isn’t actually true.  But the joke points to an important truth about us, and our beliefs.  According to an informal survey Rev. Elaine conducted during a … Sigue leyendo “To Whom It May Concern”

“Ritos del agua”

Revs. Elaine and Axel Gehrmann Every year we kick off our new church year with a water communion ritual. While we will not be able to join our waters in our sanctuary as usual, we will still practice some water rituals and share them visually. Have your cup of water and an empty bowl ready!

“Humanismo vs. Idolatría: Abordar el Cambio Climático con Razón y Ciencia”

Mike Clancy with Worship Associates Bob Sadler and Kathleen Craig The fifth source in Unitarian Universalism is “Humanist teachings, which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.”  Idolatry is the extreme admiration and worship of craven images and ideas.  … Sigue leyendo “Humanism vs. Idolatry: Addressing Climate Change with Reason and Science”

“Sexta fuente”

Sue Ellen Stringer and Worship Associate Natalie Fryberger Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. There are different belief systems and practices that identify as “Pagan” or “Earth-centered” within Unitarian Universalism. Broadly stated, we place a special emphasis … Sigue leyendo “Sixth Source”

Fuentes de nuestra tradición viva: experiencia directa de trascender el misterio y la maravilla

Rev. Steve Edington and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton What is a religious experience? “When we are stunned beyond words we are finally starting to get somewhere.” — Anne Lamott. This Sunday we’ll explore some of the meaning behind the words of the first Source of our Living Tradition – Direct experience of transcending mystery and … Sigue leyendo Sources of Our Living Tradition: Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery and Wonder

“Fuentes de nuestra tradición viva: episodio 2”

Asociadas de adoración Karen Brown, Robin Jensen y Katharina Harlow Todas las religiones del mundo nos brindan sabiduría, inspiración y guía espiritual. En este servicio, analizaremos las influencias de varias de ellas en nuestras creencias y tradiciones unitarias muy personales. Únase a nosotros mientras analizamos el Islam, el budismo, el confucianismo y otros.