Archivos: Servicios

“Nuestro Cáliz: La Luz de la Libertad”

Director of Religious Exploration Erin Forstein, Music Director Camille Hatton and Worship Associate Karen Brown Join us for a collaborative multi-generational service where we will celebrate our creativity – seeing our own chalices, dancing our chalice flames, reciting our chalice lighting poetry, and more! We ended with a dance party, dancing to Katy Perry’s “Firework” … Sigue leyendo “Our Chalice: The Light of Freedom”

“¿Libertad sin responsabilidad es igual?”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Robin Jensen Freedom, liberty, individual rights are all values that are enshrined in our Constitution and in our UU religion. Are they enough, or is some measure of responsibility, some communal concern also required? What happens if you have one without the other?

"Regresando a la vida"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Robin Jensen An egg holds the promise of new life. A seed contains the possibility of green growth. Stories of death and new life, of bondage and new freedom, all touch on a recurring miracle: despite all obstacles and constraints, life is unbelievably resilient. These are some of the … Sigue leyendo “Coming Back to Life”

“El poder del voto”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer Our UU 5th principle affirms “the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” Forty-fourth President Barack Obama said, “There is no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter.” This morning we will consider the … Sigue leyendo “Power of the Vote”

Solo 9:30 am – “No es un milagro, sino un cuidado” – Vía Zoom

Sermon by Rev. Sofia Betancourt, Presented by Revs. Elaine & Axel Gehrmann In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, we will not be gathering in person but will stream worship via Zoomat 9:30 only, and will record the service as well. Rev. Sofia Betancourt is Assistant Professor for UU Theologies and Ethics at … Sigue leyendo 9:30 am only–“Not a Miracle but a Tending”– Via Zoom

“Domingo de Selma”

Guest Speaker Drew Glover, Worship Associates Karen Brown and Katie Hamilton Fifty-five years ago this month, our minister Rev. Bob O’Brien, UU minister James Reeb, UU “housewife and mother” Viola Liuzzo and others answered Dr. King’s call to join him on Edmund Pettus Bridge for the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery. Reeb and … Sigue leyendo “Selma Sunday”

“Conflicto Constructivo”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Warren Finch It sounds like an oxymoron, and yet getting better at constructive conflict is something we might want to consider, especially in our complicated world where conflicts and differing perspectives are inevitable. It takes courage and creativity, but can lead to much better, more collaborative results. This Sunday, … Sigue leyendo “Constructive Conflict”

“A la luz de este mundo improbable”

Rev. Kathleen McTigue y Asociada de Adoración Katie Hamilton Vivimos tiempos difíciles, tanto en casa como lejos, mientras se fortalecen y defienden las barreras que definen a “nosotros” y a “ellos”. Es fácil sentirse abrumado o impotente, al mismo tiempo que nos sentimos obligados a hacer algo. Nuestra fe ofrece la sabiduría que… Sigue leyendo “In the Light of This Unlikely World”