Archivos: Servicios

“Las Maravillas del Mundo Natural”

Ann Johnson and Ray Krise Have you ever looked at something in nature – whether the Grand Canyon or the Monarch Sanctuary – and just felt that sublime sense of being both insignificant and ennobled? Part of something infinitely bigger than yourself? Join us as Worship Associates Ann Johnson and Ray Krise offer their perspectives … Sigue leyendo “The Wonders of the Natural World”

“De Sabiduría y Maravilla”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Ann Johnson Religious wisdom is often associated with the deep insight and understanding we may acquire in the course of a long life. We imagine the young are foolish, while our elders are wise. And yet, spiritual teachings don’t necessarily agree. Some Buddhists seeking enlightenment strive to cultivate a beginner’s mind, … Sigue leyendo “Of Wisdom and Wonder”

Servicio de Comunión de Agua

Revs. Elaine and Axel Gehrmann and Corey Brunson Join us for our annual multi-generational Water Communion Service, a celebration of our community. Please bring a small container of water from someplace sacred to you, which you can contribute to this worship service for all ages. The children and youth of our community are heading back … Sigue leyendo Water Communion Service

Sentido de la maravilla

Mary Kay Hamilton and Robin Jensen “Wonder” engages our senses, elicits curiosity and instills reverence. “Wondering” can also ignite distress and concern. Whatever we may experience or believe, we all have access to those moments that connect us to the wonder of existence and even in dark times the possibility of joy.

Historias de inmigrantes

Social Justice Committee Members Laura Nagel and Molly Lewis The most recent estimates of refugees in Monterey and San Benito Counties place the number at 48,000. Since voting to become a Sanctuary Congregation last spring, many of us have been doing what we can to improve their living conditions. In this service, we will share … Sigue leyendo Immigrant Stories

“Dios no es el nombre de Dios”

Rev. Steve Edington and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton The sermon title is also the title of a recently published book by Rev. Steve Edington. It traces his religious and spiritual journey (or migration) from an evangelical Baptist church to a forty-year career as a UU minister. This morning we’ll explore how we cultivate a relationship … Sigue leyendo “God is Not God’s Name”

¿Qué pasó con la clase? Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Karen Brown

In this interactive service we will try to uncover some of our conscious and subconscious thinking about class. This important topic is often shied away from or denied altogether, and yet it certainly influences many of our current social structures and issues and aspirations. Come explore this fascinating and important reality with us.