Archivos: Servicios

Renacimiento y renovación: Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Sue Ellen Stringer

As we celebrate Easter and Earth Day, we are reminded of ancient stories and seasons and cycles: of cold and warmth, darkness and light, decay and renewal, death and rebirth.  How might we help these ancient processes of healing and new life take shape, in our own lives and in the world, for our planet and … Sigue leyendo Rebirth and Renewal – Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Sue Ellen Stringer

“Sueños de perfección” – Rev. Axel Gehrmann y Ann Johnson

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Dreams of Perfection We all aspire to be good people.  We strive to change the world for the better, beginning with ourselves.  Improvement and self-improvement is our ongoing endeavor.  Religious exemplars, saints and sages, may serve as models of moral perfection.  … Sigue leyendo “Dreams of Perfection” – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Ann Johnson

"¿Cuál es el punto de?" – Rev. David Usher y Katie Hamilton

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: What’s the Point? Rev. David Usher is a lifelong Unitarian originally from Adelaide, Australia.  He studied for the ministry at Oxford and has recently retired after thirty-six years of ministry in England, New Hampshire and California.  He was the founding … Sigue leyendo “What’s the Point?” – Rev. David Usher and Katie Hamilton

“Hospitalidad al extraño” Amy Carlson y Mary Kay Hamilton

We as humans have the tendency to fear and to turn away from “the other.” And…we also have great capacity to open our hearts to our fellow human beings. All of our religious traditions have mandates and suggested spiritual practices to help us be hospitable to the stranger. What does it mean to offer hospitality … Sigue leyendo “Hospitality to the Stranger”  Amy Carlson and Mary Kay Hamilton

Dios dentro de nosotros – Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Chris Kage

La idea de la "divinidad en la humanidad" ha tomado varias formas en muchas tradiciones religiosas, incluido el gnosticismo, el cristianismo, el hinduismo y el trascendentalismo. ¿Es lo divino una chispa dentro de nosotros o impregna o incluso trasciende todo nuestro ser? ¿Cómo podría ser esto para nosotros hoy y cómo podría informar nuestras acciones?

“Titulares, corazones e historia” – Karen Brown y Katie Hamilton

We don’t have to know a famous person or be in the middle of a world crisis to be deeply and permanently affected by the news.  For folks my parents’ age, it was Pearl Harbor.  For me it was Kent State.  This morning we will be seeking understanding and growth through generational milestones.  There will … Sigue leyendo “Headlines, Hearts and History” – Karen Brown and Katie Hamilton

“El significado de la vida, ¡hoy!” – Reverendo Axel Gehrmann y Bob Sadler

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: The Meaning of Life – Today! For the past several centuries our liberal faith has stood for justice, equity and compassion in human relations. Our guiding principles have put us at the forefront of progressive causes throughout, inspiring us to … Sigue leyendo “The Meaning of Life — Today!” – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Bob Sadler