Archivos: Servicios

Espiritualidad y teléfonos inteligentes: Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Corey Brunson

A Multigenerational Service Ah, those handheld devices that seem to be permanent extensions of our arms, which have radically decreased eye contact, dinner conversation, and face to face human interactions.  This morning we will consider if it’s possible that smartphones are not only curses but blessings as well.  Bring your phones!

Vida Religiosa en la Era Digital – Rev. Axel Gehrmann y Chris Kage

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Religious Living in the Digital Age. We are fortunate to live in an age when computer technology is making our  lives easier in so many ways. Thanks to advances in computer science,  increasingly complex tasks are being accomplished by machines … Sigue leyendo Religious Living in the Digital Age – Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Chris Kage

Es un rap: Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Bob Sadler, con el invitado especial Reece Dixon, también conocido como Bar$ Marley

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: It’s a Rap With roots in West Africa and the Caribbean Islands, rap is a form of poetry using rhyming lyrics usually set to a beat.  These rhymes often address the environment and social and political issues faced by the authors.  … Sigue leyendo It’s a Rap – Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & Bob Sadler, with special guest Reece Dixon, aka Bar$ Marley

Poesía de la Mayoría Global – Rev. Axel Gehrmann y Karen Brown

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Poetry of the Global Majority “Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness,” Alice Walker writes. Poetry has the power to open our minds and hearts to new insights and understanding, linking our lived experience to … Sigue leyendo Poetry of the Global Majority – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Karen Brown