Archivos: Servicios

“Pequeños tamborileros” – Amy Carlson, Camille Hatton y Corey Brunson

¡Este servicio navideño multigeneracional incorporará una serie de canciones e historias que ilustran los valores de generosidad, diversidad, afirmación y hacer un ruido alegre en el mundo! ¡Por favor traiga su propio tambor (u otro instrumento) si lo desea y prepárese para participar en una celebración rítmica de la temporada!

“Tierra, aire, fuego, agua y el vacío” – Sarah Hardgrave y Sue Ellen Stringer

The ancient Greek as well as the eastern philosophies of Japanese Buddhism and Hinduism referred to concepts of the elements of earth, water, air/wind, and fire, as well as the void or aether. The elements were used to explain the nature and complexity of all matter, and how they related to observable phenomena as well … Sigue leyendo “Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the Void” – Sarah Hardgrave & Sue Ellen Stringer

“Pueblos nativos y naturaleza” – Rev. Elaine Gehrmann y Amy Carlson

Hemos hecho mucho daño a nuestra tierra ya sus habitantes originales. Mientras contemplamos nuestra celebración anual de gratitud, consideremos algunas orientaciones prácticas y espirituales ofrecidas por los pueblos indígenas, y cómo podemos trabajar para reparar nuestras relaciones con ellos y con la naturaleza.  

La naturaleza es mi religión - Rev. Dennis Hamilton y Robin Jensen

Charles Darwin, Thomas Starr King, John Muir, Henry David Thoreau, Annie Dillard—naturalists from the same mold, and I identify with them.  Not only did they dwell in profound respect and affection with the natural world, but they found religious inspiration there.  My own journey has always been as an anthropologist.  My theology is grounded in … Sigue leyendo Nature is My Religion – Rev. Dennis Hamilton & Robin Jensen

La cara de las aguas

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Mary Kay Hamilton To enjoy a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: The Face of the Deep According to scripture, in the beginning, when the earth was without form and void, God’s spirit moved upon the face of the waters. The deep and mysterious waters seemed inaccessible even to … Sigue leyendo The Face of the Waters

Hunches & Hauntings: un servicio multigeneracional

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Corey Brunson & Amy Carlson This time of year we often think of ghosts and goblins, spirits and superstitions. During this service for all ages we will explore some of the ways that we can make best use of our ghosts, and search for ways to befriend and learn from them.

¿Adoración de los ancestros?

Karen Brown and Katie Hamilton   “I am one with the ancestors,” Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us, so on this Sunday we’ll weave together the joy of genealogical discoery and deepening connections, music and racial/sexual politics, along with the wisdom of Confucius, the Buddha, and indigenous spiritual traditions. You are encouraged to bring a photo … Sigue leyendo Ancestor Worship?

Invisible, intangible, inefable y, sin embargo...

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Amy Carlson If you can’t see it, touch it, or express it, does it exist? This morning we will consider some of the harder to grasp objects and occurrences in our lives, and the meanings we might nevertheless glean from them.

Respetar a nuestros mayores: reverendo Axel Gehrmann y Mary Kay Hamilton

With every year as I grow older, I am more appreciative of the admonition, “Respect your elders!” The adage is found in a wide variety of religious traditions, as well as secular sources, both ancient and contemporary. Surely, no matter what our age or circumstances, we deserve a degree of respect. How can we best practice an enlightened respectfulness? … Sigue leyendo Respecting our Elders – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Mary Kay Hamilton