Archivos: Servicios

“El Árbol de las Nieves – Un Servicio para Todas las Edades”

DRE Sharyn Routh and Rev. Axel GehrmannToday’s multi-generational service will feature a special holiday pageant: the story of a snow tree and a little bear. Please join this celebration for all ages, and help rekindle the season’s spirit of peace, hope and joy! OOS:

“Misterios navideños”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Celia Barberena Winter holidays are observed in a multitude of different ways in various countries, cultures, and religious traditions. For many of us, familiar stories and symbols have multiple layers of meaning, which have accumulated over the years, often beginning with the earliest holidays we remember: the celebrations and family … Sigue leyendo “Holiday Mysteries”

“Es más bendecido dar que recibir, ¿en serio?”

Worship Associates Christina Zaro and Ray KriseWe may think immediately in monetary terms when we hear this now cliched phrase with its New Testament origins. Generosity is far more than that. It is not transactional and not a zero-sum game. The spiritual basis of both giving and receiving is gratitude, the perfect subject for this … Sigue leyendo “It Is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive – Really?”

“Compartir nuestro planeta conscientemente”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Lauren Keenan As we contemplate our earthly home, we are aware of its abundance, and the repercussions of our human choices, and their effects on our fellow species. How might the concepts of gratitude and generosity inform our thinking about our interconnectedness and obligations? OOS:

“Nuestras desafiantes decisiones benéficas”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bjorn Nilson This month our Social Justice Committee is soliciting nominations for our 2024 Shared Offering recipients – local or national non-profits whose important work aligns with our UU values. Our Shared Offering program is one tangible way we, as a congregation, support community partners who are also working … Sigue leyendo “Our Challenging Charitable Choices”

“Tzedaká radical”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Micah Forstein Tzedakah’ is a Jewish concept meaning ‘giving to those in need’ and in the Bible it meant ‘righteous behavior’ and was often paired with justice. What might radical tzedekah mean in this age of extreme gaps between rich and poor, the haves and the have-nots? What are our obligations … Sigue leyendo “Radical Tzedakah”

“¿Soy hija de mi madre o hija de mi padre?”

Celia Barberena and Worship Associates Katie Hamilton and Kathleen Sullivan Some of us inherit accumulated wealth from our matriarchal or patriarchal lines or from both of them. These provide opportunities to attend good schools, travel, and expand our horizons easily. Some of us do not have these benefits of birth. Born rich or not, we … Sigue leyendo “Am I My Mother’s Daughter or My Father’s Daughter?”

“Nuestras historias religiosas”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Shannon Morrison An adult education curriculum well-known in UU circles is called “Building Your Own Theology.” It is based on a central tenet of our religious tradition, namely that we each have the freedom to choose our religious beliefs, and the moral responsibility to put them into action. Our … Sigue leyendo “Our Religious Histories”

“Las herencias que abrazamos”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann JacobsonWhat makes a heritage “ours” to claim? Birthright, deep knowledge, community, a willingness to learn, an invitation, an affinity? This morning we will explore the challenges and complications of our modern search for heritage and meaning, and our efforts to appreciate and not appropriate. OOS:

“Apreciando nuestro desafiante legado”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey BrunsonOn national holidays and religious holy days, we are encouraged to celebrate historical highlights and heroes, the forebears who built this great land, the ancestors who gave us life. As the moral arc of the universe bends towards justice, we imagine ourselves involved in the process – on … Sigue leyendo “Cherishing Our Challenging Heritage”