Action: Support Monterey County Immigrants. Sign on to the letter here, as a group or individual. Over 120 signatures from community leaders across all sectors of government, business, education, and non-profit governance. We are stronger when we are working together so please continue to share this letter with your Monterey County networks and encourage your local electeds, businesses, and colleagues to join us and sign on. Link to formatted Sign On Letter for printing. Thank you for staying engaged. ~ Wendy Root Askew, 831-601-8285 /
Know Your Rights: Monterey County Immigration Rights Resources in English and Spanish, including Immigration Resources for Residents, Partner Agencies, and Downloadable Resources.
Alertas de acción: Visita Centro de acción de FCNL para obtener una lista de alertas de acción y cartas preformateadas/editables para los miembros del Congreso. Organizado por el Comité de Amigos sobre el Centro de Acción de Legislación Nacional (FCNL).