ארכיונים: שירותים

"אתה מקשיב?"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Warren Finch “Information explosion” is one way our current over-abundance of news, entertainment, and social media has been described. Thanks to technological advances, we have access to an incredible array of information sources. But rather than becoming appropriately informed about pertinent issues, we may find ourselves overwhelmed by a … המשך לקרוא “Are You Listening?”

"לשבור מחסומים"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Karen Brown To read a transcript of the reflections and sermon for this service please click on this link: Breaking Down Barriers Our mission statement begins, “Welcoming all…” which is certainly a goal to which we aspire. Our Inclusion Task Force is working on ways we can make sure … המשך לקרוא “Breaking Down Barriers”

"כוח לאנשים"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Tim McManus and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton This morning Rev. Elaine will dialogue with Tim McManus, Lead Organizer of COPA (Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action). COPA develops leaders in member institutions in Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz counties so that together they can take action on the issues affecting … המשך לקרוא “Power to the People”

"למה אתה מצפה?"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: What Do You Expect? A new year is upon us, rife with possibilities. It is an auspicious time to take charge of our lives with a plethora of well-meaning resolutions, inspired by … המשך לקרוא “What Do You Expect?”

שירות אור נרות בערב חג המולד

Revs. Elaine and Axel Gehrmann, Ray Krise and Robin Jensen Join us for stories of the season, carols and candlelight. All ages are welcome! A please bring a plate of cookies to share!

"יום ראשון של פנטזיה מוזיקלית"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Music Director Camille Hatton and the UUCMP Choir Our annual pre-Christmas music service this year will feature a festive and eclectic variety of inspirational music performed by our own UUCMP choir. Don’t miss this lovely and moving opportunity for beautiful music, reflection and celebration.

"תשומת לב אנושית והתערבות אלוהית"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bob Sadler To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Human Attention and Divine Intervention In the northern hemisphere, we are approaching the darkest days of the year. Some of us may hardly notice. For others, winter evokes a somber or melancholy mood. … המשך לקרוא “Human Attention and Divine Intervention”