पुरालेख: सेवाएं

"शीतकालीन रोशनी की दुनिया"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and DRE Erin Forstein Join us for our multi-generational holiday pageant featuring the children and youth of our Religious Exploration program. We will celebrate the signs, symbols and stories from a number of religious traditions, which feature illumination and inspiration found in the darkest nights of the year.

"दिन की भाषा, रात की भाषा"

Rev. Dennis Hamilton and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton Believing literally in the Bible or Koran or other “sacred scripture” is a form of religiously conditioned ignorance, or willing insanity. But reading the scriptures with historical grounding, intelligence, humor and an open mind can be quite rewarding. The parables and miracles and stories become metaphors for … आगे पढ़ें “Day Language, Night Language”

"विकास के अनुभवों के लिए आभारी"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Karen Brown To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Grateful for Growth Experiences An unusually tall friend, whose stature was regularly remarked upon by those who met her, often explained jokingly that in the course of her life she had had … आगे पढ़ें “Grateful for Growth Experiences”

"इसे एक नृत्य बनने दो"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Worship Associate Mary Kay Hamilton, Special Guest Dancer Sarah Bush There is a great quote attributed to Emma Goldman, “If I can’t dance, I don’t want to be in your revolution.” Dance has long been a human expression of joy and sorrow, longing and hope, romance and revolution, passion and purpose. This … आगे पढ़ें “Let It Be a Dance”

“कैसी दयालुता?”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Warren Finch To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: What Kind of Kindness? “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness,” the Dalai Lama says. Albert Schweitzer seems to agree. He writes, “As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, … आगे पढ़ें “What Kind of Kindness?”

"श्रद्धा और कृतज्ञता"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann, Worship Associate Bob Sadler and Reflection by Mark Overgaard This Sunday we will consider our human attitudes of reverence and gratitude, whether directed to God, the Universe, or Life itself, and the common elements of these which are found in all religious traditions. Mark Overgaard is the current Artist on display in … आगे पढ़ें “Reverence and Gratitude”

"बलिदान - सबसे बड़ा भला"

Sam Farr and Bob Sadler In his controversial and seminal book, The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins described the human gene as having a drive for survival that is ruthlessly selfish, but he then pointed out that humans are not ruled by our genes. The fact that our genes prefer us to be selfish simply means … आगे पढ़ें “Sacrifice – The Greater Good”

"किसी के लिए मरना"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Sue Ellen Stringer To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: To Die For For some it’s a delicious ice-cream sundae. For others, it’s the view of the ocean at Bixby Bridge. For me, it’s the perfect plate of pasta carbonara. That’s the light-hearted … आगे पढ़ें “To Die For”

"पवित्र बलिदान की भावना बनाना"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Katie Hamilton In the book of Genesis, the story of Abraham and Isaac is often either exalted or condemned; viewed as either proof of Abraham’s devotion to God, or proof of his horrible fatherhood qualifications. What sense might we make of this story and other supposedly sacred sacrifice?

"परोपकारी आवेग"

रेव. एक्सल गेहरमैन और मैरी के हैमिल्टन इस सेवा के लिए धर्मोपदेश की प्रतिलिपि पढ़ने के लिए कृपया इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें: परोपकारी आवेग यदि अर्थशास्त्री और विकासवादी जीवविज्ञानी सही हैं, तो मानवीय क्रियाएँ काफी हद तक व्यक्तियों के स्वार्थ और जीवित रहने की प्रवृत्ति से निर्देशित होती हैं। विभिन्न धार्मिक परंपराएँ एक वैकल्पिक दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करती हैं, जो द्वंद्वों से परे है ... आगे पढ़ें “The Altruistic Impulse”