“Accompagnamento e affidamento alla fiducia in tempi incerti”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann with Heather Vickery preaching and Worship Associate Christina Zaro
Accompaniment is the radical act of being with someone even when it is hard, and you don’t know how things will turn out. With the increase in fascism across our country, our society often tells us to isolate, take care of our own first, and fear the other. However, our faith calls us to hold love at the center, to trust in each other and our ability to care for each other, and to follow the lead of those most impacted by systems of oppression. Join us to learn of the ways UUs are leaning into trust by accompanying 2-spirit, trans and gender expansive folks during these scary times.

Our guest preacher, Heather Vickery, is Coordinator for Congregational Activism with the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. Please see page 17 of our Monthly Newsletter for more information on the workshop she will be leading this weekend. If you’d like to join our service via Zoom, please click Qui.