Archivi: Servizi

“La bellezza nel contesto religioso dell'amore”

Ray Krise e WA Kathleen CraigQual è la cosa più bella che puoi immaginare? Un giardino multicolore scintillante, forse, o un crepuscolo infestato da stelle scintillanti. Ma qual è il significato estetico di un fiore o di una stella? Decidiamo questo significato insieme quando pratichiamo l'amore interpersonale, ci impegniamo in una comunità benedetta. Solo in quel contesto può... Continua a leggere “Beauty in the Religious Context of Love”

“Calpestare il paradiso”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann e WA Bjorn Nilson C'è qualcosa nella bellezza della natura che ci chiama, e quando troppi di noi rispondono a quella chiamata, possiamo finire per danneggiare la bellezza stessa che cerchiamo di custodire. Come potremmo ampliare il nostro apprezzamento per accogliere in modo più sostenibile il nostro desiderio di meraviglie naturali... Continua a leggere “Trampling Through Paradise”

“La saggezza e la meraviglia dei fiori selvatici”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Micah Forstein The Flower Communion is an annual tradition observed in countless UU congregations in Spring. On this Sunday, every in-person worshipper is invited to bring a cut flower along to church. The flowers will be placed in large baskets, and then distributed to all present. (Those of you joining … Continua a leggere “The Wisdom and Wonder of Wild Flowers”

"Sono sveglio"

Rev. Dennis Hamilton and W.A. Bjorn Nilson I have been waking up all my life. That is to say, I have been half asleep all my life. Sometimes waking up is an aha! moment when I see the world in a different light. More often it is when I see myself in an unflattering light … Continua a leggere “I Am Awake”

“Come siamo rinati”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Ray Krise The season of spring, as well as the religious and secular holidays that have sprung up this time of year – stories of saviors’ resurrections, of a religious people’s liberation, of gods returning to earth, and furry, long-eared harbingers of spring – all of them offer perspectives on … Continua a leggere “How We Are Reborn”

“Svegliati, svegliati, svegliati!”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Kathleen Craig We know that the clock is ticking for our planet’s environmental health, and we need to wake everyone up to this reality and work together to find solutions. We will explore ways that we can make a difference, locally and globally.

“Fede e storia”

Rev. John Buehrens and Ray KriseContinuing our theme of “Renewing Faith,” we welcome back to our pulpit John Buehrens, who served as interim minister at UUCMP in 2012-14. Since then John has written two works of history, one about our transcendentalist forebears as social activists, and one about Unitarians in San Francisco since 1850. He … Continua a leggere “Faith and History”