Archivi: Servizi

“La rivelazione di questo giorno”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Ann JacobsonInspiration often arrives as a new insight, a new experience, a new idea, which deeply moves us. How would you describe your latest spiritual revelation? Where might you find inspiration next? OOS:

“Il mio Dio cresciuto”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Micah ForsteinAs Unitarian Universalists we celebrate a diversity of religious beliefs. Among us are theists, atheists, agnostics, and a wide variety of perspectives on what we mean by “God.” In the course of our lives, as we grow in wisdom and maturity, our beliefs may change. Is the God you … Continua a leggere “My Grown Up God”

“Selma domenica”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Lee Hulquist57 years ago, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led hundreds of non-violent activists of all ages, on a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, which resulted in passage of the Voting Rights Act. Many Unitarian Universalists came to Selma, two of whom were martyred for this cause. Today … Continua a leggere “Selma Sunday”

“Orizzonti che scompaiono”

Ray Krise and Bjorn Nilson This month’s worship theme has been Widening the Circle. Today we celebrate circles, which seem to call out for inclusiveness. Meeting in a circle it is always easier to see the others in the group, to commune with others and to share. Problematic straight lines end in fences, national borders, … Continua a leggere “Disappearing Horizons”

“Immaginare l’amata comunità”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Ann Jacobson The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. popularized the notion of “beloved community.” According to Coretta Scott King, he envisioned a world in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth, and all forms of discrimination, bigotry and prejudice will be replaced by an all-inclusive … Continua a leggere “Imagining Beloved Community”

“Chi ha bisogno di noi?”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Robin JensenThis Sunday marks the kickoff of our annual Stewardship campaign. Theme: We Care, We Share. We will consider our role in the community, and the world, and reflect upon the importance of our mission. Order of Service:

"262.800 minuti!"

Revs. Axel and Elaine Gehrmann We’re back! Your co-ministers Axel and Elaine had a terrific 6-month sabbatical, and we’d like to give you a taste of what we experienced, learned and were inspired by. This Sunday service will give you some initial sense of how we spent our 262,800 minutes! Watcg the service here Order … Continua a leggere “262,800 Minutes!”

"Il viaggio è la destinazione "

Susan Panttaja and Ray Krise It is important to move in the direction of our dreams. Yet the path to attaining them is never as straight as we think, and the actual destination often looks very different than the vision. Today, we celebrate the crooked road, the detours, the discoveries and the companions that get … Continua a leggere “The Journey is the Destination ”

“Cibo per la vita”

Micah Forstein and Bjorn Nilson Do food, taste, nutrition, genetics, social pressure and habit have a spiritual inflection point? If you are what you eat and your body is your temple, then is it wrong to eat but not feed the starving? When are calories not enough? Does quality matter? How can we create food … Continua a leggere “Food for Life”