Archivi: Servizi

“Vivere in tensione con intenzione”

Rev. Bev Spears and W.A. Kathleen Craig and Sharon Miller How do we, as people of Faith and Principle, respond with mind and heart to the hard truths and consequences of America’s racist, imperialist history? Order of Service:

"Più facile a dirsi che a farsi"

Speakers: Susan Panttaja and W.A. Lee HulquistEach new year brings the promise of a clean slate. There is a temptation to make resolutions, to hit the re-set button, to start again. Yet we may have unrealistic expectations that leave us feeling dejected after a month or two. Today we will look at living into our … Continua a leggere “Easier Said Than Done”

“Godersi i ricordi insieme”

Speakers: Lee Hulquist, Sue Ellen Stringer, Erin Forstein, Camille Hatton Come join as we revisit some favorite recordings from our virtual vault of past services. We will include our fabulous Christmas parade from 2020 and splendid musical numbers from our choral collection. Let’s end the year in community as we share some beautiful memories together. … Continua a leggere “Enjoying Memories Together ”

“Cantate e gioite! – Domenica della musica”

Speakers: Susan Panttaja, Camille Hatton, Lucy Faridany & the UUCMP Community ChoirFor our annual winter holiday Music Sunday, Camille Hatton, Lucy Faridany and our UUCMP Community Choir will share songs of Celebration and Praise. The service will include exciting works for piano by Florence B. Price and Margaret Bonds, two early 20th century African American … Continua a leggere “Sing and Rejoice! – Music Sunday”

“Camera per tutti i sentimenti”

Speakers: Susan Panttaja and W.A. Ann Jacobson, with Guest Music Director Amanda Thomas The winter holiday season is a joyous season for many, but it can also hold outsized expectations or memories that generate feelings of loneliness, grief, guilt, alienation, or depression. Today we will acknowledge the mixed feelings of the season and create space … Continua a leggere “Room for All the Feels”

“Conservare la storia, rilasciare la storia, la storia che ha cambiato la mia vita”

Speakers: Ray Krise & W.A. Natalie Fryberger As we close this month of reflection on the theme of “Holding History,” we think today about the idea: “history that changed my life.” None of us lives the life we intend. History provides the challenges of experiences that happen and don’t happen beyond our control; we strive … Continua a leggere “Holding History, Releasing History, History That Changed My Life”

“Storie sull'origine”

Speakers: Susan Panttaja & W.A. Micah Forstein No one knows how the world and life came to be, but that doesn’t stop humans from seeking answers. The six sources of Unitarian Universalism offer many different stories about the origins of it all. Today we will explore some of those stories and what it means to … Continua a leggere “Origin Stories”

“Una storia UU di accoglienza per LGBTQ+”

Speakers: Ashley G., Susan Panttaja, and W.A. Karen Brown Since 1970, when the General Assembly passed a resolution to end discrimination against homosexuals and bisexuals, UU welcoming congregations like UUCMP have committed themselves to be inclusive of all sexualities and genders. Knowing that the work of welcoming is never done, today we consider what it … Continua a leggere “A UU History of Welcome for LGBTQ+”