Archivi: Servizi

“Umanesimo contro idolatria: affrontare il cambiamento climatico con la ragione e la scienza”

Mike Clancy with Worship Associates Bob Sadler and Kathleen Craig The fifth source in Unitarian Universalism is “Humanist teachings, which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.”  Idolatry is the extreme admiration and worship of craven images and ideas.  … Continua a leggere “Humanism vs. Idolatry: Addressing Climate Change with Reason and Science”

“Sesta fonte”

Sue Ellen Stringer and Worship Associate Natalie Fryberger Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. There are different belief systems and practices that identify as “Pagan” or “Earth-centered” within Unitarian Universalism. Broadly stated, we place a special emphasis … Continua a leggere “Sixth Source”

Fonti della nostra tradizione vivente: esperienza diretta del trascendere il mistero e la meraviglia

Rev. Steve Edington and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton What is a religious experience? “When we are stunned beyond words we are finally starting to get somewhere.” — Anne Lamott. This Sunday we’ll explore some of the meaning behind the words of the first Source of our Living Tradition – Direct experience of transcending mystery and … Continua a leggere Sources of Our Living Tradition: Direct Experience of Transcending Mystery and Wonder

“Le fonti della nostra tradizione vivente: episodio 2”

Worship Associates Karen Brown, Robin Jensen and Katharina Harlow All the world’s religions give us wisdom, inspiration, and spiritual guidance. In this service, we will look at the influences of several of these on our very personal UU beliefs and our UU traditions. Join us as we look at Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism and others.

“Conflagrazione: la prospettiva di una seconda guerra civile americana”

Rev. Johns Buehrens and Worship Associate Bob Sadler Before the Civil War, African American activists in the North refuses to celebrate July 4 as “Independence Day.” They met on July 5, the anniversary of the day New York finally abolished slavery. Protests about institutionalized racism this summer have been compared to those in 1968. Dr. … Continua a leggere “Conflagration: The Prospect of a Second America Civil War”

“Continuum di impegno”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Natalie Fryberger We are a creedless faith, agreeing to disagree on many matters of theology, spirituality, and a variety of other issues. We hold much in common, we share many values, but there are differences among us. This morning we will explore some of these similarities and differences and … Continua a leggere “Continuums of Commitment”

“Per essere perfettamente onesti”

“The truth? You can’t handle the truth!” That’s a line from a favorite movie of mine, delivered powerfully by Jack Nicholson in the role of an unrepentant villain. Having recently re-watched “A Few Good Men,” which was released in 1992, it struck me as rather dated. Nicholson’s line, however, poses a good question, as relevant … Continua a leggere “To Be Perfectly Honest”

"Santi o idioti?"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ken Cuneo One critique that has been leveled at those who turn the other cheek, won’t hit below the belt, and otherwise refuse to engage in unethical, deceitful or “playing dirty” practices, is that they are suckers, doomed to be taken advantage of, manipulated, and conquered. On the other … Continua a leggere “Saints or Suckers?”