Archivi: Servizi

“Conflagrazione: la prospettiva di una seconda guerra civile americana”

Rev. Johns Buehrens and Worship Associate Bob Sadler Before the Civil War, African American activists in the North refuses to celebrate July 4 as “Independence Day.” They met on July 5, the anniversary of the day New York finally abolished slavery. Protests about institutionalized racism this summer have been compared to those in 1968. Dr. … Continua a leggere “Conflagration: The Prospect of a Second America Civil War”

“Continuum di impegno”

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Natalie Fryberger We are a creedless faith, agreeing to disagree on many matters of theology, spirituality, and a variety of other issues. We hold much in common, we share many values, but there are differences among us. This morning we will explore some of these similarities and differences and … Continua a leggere “Continuums of Commitment”

“Per essere perfettamente onesti”

“The truth? You can’t handle the truth!” That’s a line from a favorite movie of mine, delivered powerfully by Jack Nicholson in the role of an unrepentant villain. Having recently re-watched “A Few Good Men,” which was released in 1992, it struck me as rather dated. Nicholson’s line, however, poses a good question, as relevant … Continua a leggere “To Be Perfectly Honest”

"Santi o idioti?"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ken Cuneo One critique that has been leveled at those who turn the other cheek, won’t hit below the belt, and otherwise refuse to engage in unethical, deceitful or “playing dirty” practices, is that they are suckers, doomed to be taken advantage of, manipulated, and conquered. On the other … Continua a leggere “Saints or Suckers?”

"Pulizie di primavera"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Katie Hamilton This Spring did not turn out quite as anyone had planned, but it still seems like a good time to take stock, consider what we can discard or spiff up, and what we can tidy up in order to achieve a sense of renewed clarity, of space … Continua a leggere “Spring Cleaning”

“Il potere della musica”

Music Director Camille Hatton, Lucy Faridany and Worship Associate Bob Sadler Come join us for a special virtual Music Sunday. We will explore what music means for us as Unitarian Universalists in this congregation. The choir will perform The Circle of Life and Creation of Peace. Our musicians include Rick Chelew, Patty Pai, Lucy Faridany, … Continua a leggere “The Power of Music”

“Predicazione dalle terrazze”

Balazs Scholar Rev. Elod Szabo and Rev. Elaine Gehrmann The fiddler on the roof is a well-known symbol for the desire to find joy and happiness in very uncertain times such as we are now experiencing. Likewise, a preacher on the housetop is a person who always remembers who sent him/her and the message to … Continua a leggere “Preaching from the Housetops”

Comunione di fiori

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Sue Ellen Stringer The Flower Communion is an annual tradition observed in countless UU congregations in the spring. On this Sunday, every worshipper is invited to bring a cut flower along to church. The flowers are placed in large baskets, and then distributed to all present. Though we will … Continua a leggere Flower Communion