Архивы: Услуги

«Мышление создает возможности»

(Shortened) Worship Service & Connections FairSusan Panttaja & W.A. Ken Cuneo“Ask what’s possible, not what’s wrong,” says Dr. Margaret Wheatley. For some of us, this is easier said than done! This morning, we will briefly consider the benefits of being open to possibilities, especially in the service of collaborating with others. We will then celebrate … Продолжить чтение “Mindset Creates Possibility”

«Райские возможности»

Karen Brown & Lee HulquistPopular culture, music, film, and books combine with science and world religions to give us many ideas about an afterlife. Our UU faith does not choose for us. This service will offer a look at our individual choices from among the many possibilities and the choice to create our own.

«Возможность здоровой Земли»

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Bjorn NilsonThese days, the devastating effects of human activity on our “blue boat home” are everywhere. The problems can seem overwhelming. Yet if we are willing to face the situation, we can join with others to work for a healthier Earth. Today we will acknowledge the challenges ahead and draw strength … Продолжить чтение “The Possibility of a Healthy Earth”

«Жить по восьмому принципу»

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer At the annual meeting in May 2021, this congregation voted to adopt the 8th Principle, which calls us to journey “toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” Today … Продолжить чтение “Living Into the 8th Principle”

«Соединены водой»

Susan Panttaja & Erin ForsteinWhether near or far, our lives are connected by – anddependent upon – water. Today, we will celebrate ourconnection to one another during our (virtual) annualWater Communion Service. We will also celebrate thebeginning of the new school year for our children andyouth. To participate, you will want to have handy a … Продолжить чтение “Connected by Water”

«Умышленная жестокость»

Gregory C. Carrow-Boyd & W.A. Lee Hulquist Systemic White Supremacy and the harms that flow from it compromise our ability to connect with one another asUnitarian Universalists and hinder our work of accountably building Beloved Community. While much of this systemoperates on a level that is difficult to identify, occasionally we have chosen congregational policies … Продолжить чтение “Deliberate Cruelty”

«Мистицизм — поиск своего внутреннего мистика»

Ray Krise & Bjorn Nilson There is a popular idea that mysticism has become outdated in today’s life experience and that mystics are persons so strange and otherworldly as to be useless to those of us seeking to live a spiritual life in the 21st century. But in light of our UU 7th Principle, “respect … Продолжить чтение “Mysticism — Finding Your Inner Mystic”