Архивы: Услуги

«Я и мы: забота о себе и забота о других»

Susan Panttaja & W.A. Ann Jacobson Sometimes it feels like a dichotomy: with our limited discretionary time, we can either attend to our own needs OR address the needs of others. But is it really an either/or? In this service we will explore the balancing act we can experience as we attempt to care for … Продолжить чтение “Me and We: Caring for Self While Caring for Others ”

«В поисках своего внутреннего осьминога»

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Ken Cuneo We often think of balance as a point between two opposites: work and play, happy and sad, pain and pleasure. This morning we will address the concept of balance not as a binary, but multidimensionally, and consider the many tentacles of our inner octopuses.

Наш баланс

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & W.A. Sue Ellen Stringer We are at the beginning of a brand-new year, full ofboundless possibilities and unimagined potential. Andyet, the problems of the past year have not all beenmiraculously resolved. We will continue to bechallenged on many levels: personal and political,spiritual and physical, emotional and intellectual.Weighing the diverse demands of … Продолжить чтение Our Balancing Act

"Тихая ночь"

Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Erin Forstein Our multigenerational holiday celebration will focuson the ancient story of a family in search of shelter,and a baby born on a dark winter’s night – anunlikely savior in troubled times. Our children willhelp us rediscover this timeless tale of hope,wonder, and gladness.

«Лесное купание»

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & W.A. Mary Kay Hamilton The aim of forest bathing, is to slow down and become immersed in the natural environment. This morning we will take a virtual bath in the forest and engage in this ancient practice to find stillness and calm through our connection with nature. Please try to have … Продолжить чтение “Forest Bathing”

«Надежда и возможность во время экологических и социальных изменений»

Dan Fernandez & W.A. Robin Jensen Humanity and our planet face the existential challenge of induced climate change that we are responsible for. This represents what is most likely our greatest test as a species to date. In light of our current political, social, racial, and COVID struggles, how can we grapple with this pervasive … Продолжить чтение “Hope and Possibility In a Time of Environmental and Social Change”