Архивы: Услуги

Латинская история и важность святилища

Robert Sadler and Robin Jensen Cortes and his soldiers invaded Mexico in the early 1500’s in pursuit of gold. A hundred years later, only about 4% of the indigenous people had survived. They spoke neither English nor Spanish, the two major languages of the Americas. What’s it like for one of these indigenous people to … Продолжить чтение Latin History and the Importance of Sanctuary

«Откуда мы пришли, кто мы, куда мы идем?»

Rev. Dennis Hamilton and Mary Kay Hamilton What was once surmise now has been proven through genetics and archaeology. We evolved from earlier primates in Africa and spread over the entire earth. Understanding our roots gives us clues as to what we are. Now we all must decide where we want to go next. The … Продолжить чтение “Where Do We Come From, Who Are We, Where Are We Going?”

«Пики и впадины» — Боб Сэдлер и Крис Кейдж

Joseph Bodoracco, a professor at Harvard Business School, pointed out that our behaviors and values are largely shaped during defining moments, the peaks and troughs, of our lives. Is he right? Do the peaks and troughs we experience become intense lessons that, over time, determine a lot about how we behave and what we believe? … Продолжить чтение “Peaks and Troughs” – Bob Sadler and Chris Kage

Нити жизни — Карен Браун и Мэри Кей Гамильтон

Join us as we explore how quilting, knitting, and other creative textile arts can act as spiritual practice.  Hear stories of how art changes lives, experience the joy of music, and enjoy our pop-up art display.  Come and be inspired!  Ann Johnson and Corey Brunson will lead a similar service that morning at the church … Продолжить чтение The Threads of Life – Karen Brown and Mary Kay Hamilton

Произведение искусства - преподобный Аксель Германн и Сью Эллен Стрингер

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: The Work of Art Spiritual teachings are conveyed in sacred stories and scholarly texts, in the words and deeds of prophets and exemplars, and in the daily disciplines of religious practitioners.  Drawing on our powers of imagination and intuition, through the … Продолжить чтение The Work of Art – Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Sue Ellen Stringer

9:30 «Сообщество личностей» – Эми Карлсон и Боб Сэдлер.

At 9:30 a.m. only — Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?  A church community is full of both types of personalities as well as those who fall somewhere in between.  How can introverts and extroverts be in community together and better understand one another?  What specific gifts do these two personality types bring … Продолжить чтение 9:30 a.m. “A Community of Personalities” – Amy Carlson and Bob Sadler

Когда наши сердца нуждаются в исцелении — преподобный Аксель Германн и Крис Кейдж

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: When Our Hearts Need Healing According to some religious teachings, the human heart is the seat of the soul.  The heart is our source of courage, compassion and conviction.  It is a place of deep feeling, which we can choose to … Продолжить чтение When Our Hearts Need Healing — Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Chris Kage