Архивы: Услуги

«Гостеприимство к незнакомцу» Эми Карлсон и Мэри Кей Гамильтон

We as humans have the tendency to fear and to turn away from “the other.” And…we also have great capacity to open our hearts to our fellow human beings. All of our religious traditions have mandates and suggested spiritual practices to help us be hospitable to the stranger. What does it mean to offer hospitality … Продолжить чтение “Hospitality to the Stranger”  Amy Carlson and Mary Kay Hamilton

Нет места лучше дома - преподобный Аксель Германн и Боб Сэдлер

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: No Place Like Home For years, UUCMP has supported the local Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program, I-HELP. Is our church a home, and if so, whose home is it? What is a home? A place of shelter, of belonging, of … Продолжить чтение No Place Like Home – Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Bob Sadler

Бог внутри нас - преподобная Элейн Германн и Крис Кейдж

Идея «божественности в человечестве» приняла различные формы во многих религиозных традициях, включая гностицизм, христианство, индуизм и трансцендентализм. Является ли божественное искрой внутри нас или оно пронизывает или даже превосходит все наше существо? Как это может выглядеть для нас сегодня и как это может повлиять на наши действия?

«Заголовки, сердца и история» – Карен Браун и Кэти Хэмилтон

We don’t have to know a famous person or be in the middle of a world crisis to be deeply and permanently affected by the news.  For folks my parents’ age, it was Pearl Harbor.  For me it was Kent State.  This morning we will be seeking understanding and growth through generational milestones.  There will … Продолжить чтение “Headlines, Hearts and History” – Karen Brown and Katie Hamilton

«Смысл жизни — сегодня!» – Преподобный Аксель Германн и Боб Сэдлер

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: The Meaning of Life – Today! For the past several centuries our liberal faith has stood for justice, equity and compassion in human relations. Our guiding principles have put us at the forefront of progressive causes throughout, inspiring us to … Продолжить чтение “The Meaning of Life — Today!” – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Bob Sadler

Духовность и смартфоны – преподобная Элейн Германн и Кори Брансон

A Multigenerational Service Ah, those handheld devices that seem to be permanent extensions of our arms, which have radically decreased eye contact, dinner conversation, and face to face human interactions.  This morning we will consider if it’s possible that smartphones are not only curses but blessings as well.  Bring your phones!

Религиозная жизнь в эпоху цифровых технологий – преподобный Аксель Германн и Крис Кейдж

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Religious Living in the Digital Age. We are fortunate to live in an age when computer technology is making our  lives easier in so many ways. Thanks to advances in computer science,  increasingly complex tasks are being accomplished by machines … Продолжить чтение Religious Living in the Digital Age – Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Chris Kage

В поисках внутреннего поэта — Кэти Гамильтон и Сью Эллен Стрингер

In the words of poet Mary Oliver, “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Come spend a little time with your inner poet at the 9:30 service. At 11:15 we will have a Congregational Meeting to vote on our new Strategic Plan, launching our goals for the next … Продолжить чтение Finding the Inner Poet – Katie Hamilton and Sue Ellen Stringer

Это рэп - преподобные Элейн Германн и Боб Сэдлер со специальным гостем Рисом Диксоном, также известным как Bar$ Марли.

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: It’s a Rap With roots in West Africa and the Caribbean Islands, rap is a form of poetry using rhyming lyrics usually set to a beat.  These rhymes often address the environment and social and political issues faced by the authors.  … Продолжить чтение It’s a Rap – Rev. Elaine Gehrmann & Bob Sadler, with special guest Reece Dixon, aka Bar$ Marley

Поэзия глобального большинства - преподобный Аксель Германн и Карен Браун

To read a transcript of the sermon for this service please click on this link: Poetry of the Global Majority “Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness,” Alice Walker writes. Poetry has the power to open our minds and hearts to new insights and understanding, linking our lived experience to … Продолжить чтение Poetry of the Global Majority – Rev. Axel Gehrmann & Karen Brown