«Создание и восстановление доверия»

Rev Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann JohnsonMost of us come into the world trusting that what we need will be there for us — food, comfort, love. We tend to trust that the world is a benevolent place until we discover otherwise. The more we learn and grow, the more we realize that trusting … Продолжить чтение “Building and Rebuilding Trust”

“Worthy of Trust”

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max CajarTo trust and be trusted is a warm and wonderful feeling. However the sense of safety and support trust offers us is more than a feel-good experience. Trust is also an essential ingredient in all healthy relationships, societies, and civilizations. Given the social significance of trust, and troubling … Продолжить чтение “Worthy of Trust”