Ray Krise 和 Micah Forstein做一头狮子很棒!做个懦夫就不好了……还是说呢?人们说谨慎比勇敢更重要;胆小的狮子会不会只是一只被误解的勇敢猫科动物?和 Ray 和 Micah 一起深入探讨我们对战斗或逃跑的精神感知…… 继续阅读 “We Are the Cowardly Lion of Oz”
我们的服务在每个星期天上午 10:30 亲自和通过 飞涨.
Ray Krise 和 Micah Forstein做一头狮子很棒!做个懦夫就不好了……还是说呢?人们说谨慎比勇敢更重要;胆小的狮子会不会只是一只被误解的勇敢猫科动物?和 Ray 和 Micah 一起深入探讨我们对战斗或逃跑的精神感知…… 继续阅读 “We Are the Cowardly Lion of Oz”
牧师 Axel Gehrmann 和 WA Lauren Keenan在我们的礼拜仪式中,我们经常寻求营造一种平静正念和安静沉思的氛围。然而,如果我们思考周围世界中显而易见的令人震惊的事件和深刻的不公正,我们难道不应该采取不那么被动、更热情的回应吗?呼吁…… 继续阅读 “Holy Rage and Sacred Joy”
安妮·斯科特和 WA 比约恩·尼尔森 勇敢地彼此立约如何能改变我们自己和世界?安妮·斯科特是我们太平洋西部 UU 地区的会众生活工作人员,并将于 10 月 1 日在 zoom 上主持我们的契约研讨会。
Ray Krise 和 Kathleen Craig 我们都想拥有归属感。我们是社会动物,寻求一个社区,它将为我们提供生存的保证和人身安全,同时也帮助我们为世界带来某些价值观。但是,当我们只听取那些同意我们意见的人的意见时,归属感可能会对我们构成挑战…… 继续阅读 “Birds of a Feather Flock Together — the Virtues and Challenges of Belonging ”
Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A, Ann Jacobson and Sue Ellen Stringer We do not live in isolation, but each of belongs to many different, overlapping communities– which may be connected by shared interests, values, purposes, histories, or circumstances. We will explore some of the many communities to which we belong, and in which we thrive, … 继续阅读 “A Constellation of Communities” (and Connections Fair)
Revs. Axel Gehrmann and W.A. Corey BrunsonHomes come in all shapes and sizes. Often – but not always – they involve four walls and a roof over our heads. Sometimes a mortgage or rent, inspections, insurance, perpetual improvements, maintenance and repairs. But a home is more than a physical structure or a place on a … 继续阅读 “No Place Like Home”
Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and W.A. Lauren KeenanWhether by birth or adoption, inheritance or choice, we all belong to a family. The family unit has both changed and remained the same throughout human history, and also changes throughout our own lives. This morning we will explore our first and last place of belonging, our family foundation. … 继续阅读 “Belonging in a Family”
Revs. Elaine & Axel Gehrmann at the Campground, Ray Krise, and Lauren Keenan at UUCMP It’s the Big Sur Campout Weekend! You have two choices this Sunday. You can join Revs. Elaine & Axel and the other campers at the Santa Lucia Campground for a short multigenerational open-air worship service at the banks of the … 继续阅读 “Camp Out”
Corey Brunson 和 Micah Forstein 我们每个人每天通过电子邮件、购物、互联网浏览和 FitBits 产生的数据比我们的祖先一生产生的数据还要多。然而,所有这些信息中缺少的是我们的故事。一个世纪后,你的曾孙可能知道你在四月份的晚餐上花了 $200 美元…… 继续阅读 “Telling Our Stories”
牧师 Axel 和 Elaine Gehrmann 以及 Elizabeth Granado 加入我们的年度跨代水圣餐仪式,这是我们社区的庆祝活动。请从您认为神圣的地方带一小罐水,您可以将其捐献给适合所有年龄段的礼拜仪式。