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崇拜助理 Celia Barberena 和 Lauren Keenan 我们生活中的曲折有时会把我们带入陌生的领域。当我们经历过不幸时,我们会更加珍惜幸福。我们今天感觉健康强壮,但曾经有一段时间我们并不健康。我们认识到勇气带来的平静,因为我们经历过…… 继续阅读 “Tomorrow Will Come”


丹尼斯·汉密尔顿牧师和礼拜助理比约恩·尼尔森自然是显而易见的。好土壤中的好种子意味着健康的植物。同样,善良的心说的正确的话也能带来治愈。当我们用心生活时,它会改变我们。我们不再挣扎,开始在这个世界上安然自在地生活。谁知道受伤的人会怎样…… 继续阅读 “Seeds Worth Planting”


Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Ray Krise 今天上午,我们将探讨用新酒袋换旧酒袋的挑战和回报——新的容器和表达方式如何更好地让我们融入社区——为 UU 大会等做准备。如果您想通过 Zoom 加入我们的服务,请…… 继续阅读 “New Wineskins”


Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann Johnson “The more things change, the more they stay the same,” a 19th century French author named Karr famously quipped. We like to believe in the possibility of progress and our capacity for self-improvement. We strive to build a better world. And yet the basic question remains: Can … 继续阅读 “Is There Nothing New Under the Sun?”


Worship Associates Shannon Morrison, Bjorn Nilson and Ray KrisePluralism celebrates diversity, encourages dialogue, and recognizes the value of multiple perspectives. Religious pluralism acknowledges the coexistence of various religious traditions and beliefs. It promotes mutual respect, dialogue, and understanding among adherents of different faiths. Sounds like us Unitarian Universalists doesn’t it? But how do we reconcile … 继续阅读 “Can You Hear Us Now? How Do We Connect In a Pluralistic World?”


DRE Sharyn Routh and Rev. Axel GehrmannOurs is a community of religious learning and exploration, all of us teachers and learners weaving our wisdom together, so that together we might find greater truths. This spirit of exploration is most apparent in our activities that involve all ages. This morning’s multi-generational service will celebrate this year’s … 继续阅读 “Weaving Wisdom”


Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max CajarWe UUs are known for being tolerant of a wide spectrum of beliefs, but tolerance can mean “putting up with,” or “live and let live.” What might an emphatic embrace of our differing beliefs look like? Can we practice not merely a passive toleration, but a vibrant, engaged … 继续阅读 “Vibrant Coexistence”


Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey Brunson We celebrate the diversity of belief among us: humanists and Christians, Buddhists and Pagans, Hindus and Jews, theists and atheists worshipping side by side. This may lead some to wonder, what is it we hold in common? Do we collectively settle on the lowest common denominator we … 继续阅读 “More Than the Sum”