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Worship Associates Shannon Morrison, Bjorn Nilson and Ray KrisePluralism celebrates diversity, encourages dialogue, and recognizes the value of multiple perspectives. Religious pluralism acknowledges the coexistence of various religious traditions and beliefs. It promotes mutual respect, dialogue, and understanding among adherents of different faiths. Sounds like us Unitarian Universalists doesn’t it? But how do we reconcile … 继续阅读 “Can You Hear Us Now? How Do We Connect In a Pluralistic World?”


DRE Sharyn Routh and Rev. Axel GehrmannOurs is a community of religious learning and exploration, all of us teachers and learners weaving our wisdom together, so that together we might find greater truths. This spirit of exploration is most apparent in our activities that involve all ages. This morning’s multi-generational service will celebrate this year’s … 继续阅读 “Weaving Wisdom”


Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max CajarWe UUs are known for being tolerant of a wide spectrum of beliefs, but tolerance can mean “putting up with,” or “live and let live.” What might an emphatic embrace of our differing beliefs look like? Can we practice not merely a passive toleration, but a vibrant, engaged … 继续阅读 “Vibrant Coexistence”


Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Corey Brunson We celebrate the diversity of belief among us: humanists and Christians, Buddhists and Pagans, Hindus and Jews, theists and atheists worshipping side by side. This may lead some to wonder, what is it we hold in common? Do we collectively settle on the lowest common denominator we … 继续阅读 “More Than the Sum”


Suzy Worcester 和 Worship Associates Lauren Keenan 和 Shannon Morrison 自然界需要我们所有人保持乐观并采取行动,因为气候混乱威胁着我们如此热爱的世界。我们可以选择未来的发展方向。我们会为我们的世界和我们自己进行彻底的改造吗?我们会采取集体行动吗…… 继续阅读 “On Optimism for Radical Regeneration”


牧师阿克塞尔·格尔曼 (Axel Gehrmann) 和礼拜助理安·约翰逊 (Ann Johnson) “在家”让人联想到坐在舒适的沙发上,或在四面墙壁和屋顶下的厨房餐桌旁。我们在家里,室内。然而,健康专家表示,花时间在户外,享受……对身体和灵魂都有好处。 继续阅读 “At Home in the Natural World”


Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Christina Zaro在这个两极分化和分裂严重的时代,与那些在政治、宗教和哲学上与我们意见相左的人进行对话可能很困难。然而,也许找到分享我们的观点和价值观的方法还是有价值的,甚至可能是一个案例…… 继续阅读 “You Say Potato . . .”


牧师 Axel Gehrmann 和礼拜助理 Celia Barberena 众所周知,我们并不是孤立的生物。“没有人是一座孤岛”,一位诗人写得令人印象深刻。科学家和圣贤们都同意,我们存在于一个相互依存的网络、一个相互联系的网络中。我们每个人都在生命之舞中扮演着一个角色。我们如何才能…… 继续阅读 “This Dance We Do”


Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Corey Brunson 这个复活节星期天,我们将考虑我们自己、我们的社区、我们的世界的哪些方面可能会从一些极端的生命恢复措施中受益。在这个春天和重生的季节,我们如何才能恢复生机? OOS:https://mailchi.mp/uucmp/uucmp-oos-2021-01-10138042


苏珊·潘塔贾牧师和礼拜助理雷·克里斯我们中的许多人在生活中都会经历顿悟的时刻,那时我们的观点会发生巨大的转变。同样,在我们的社会中,有时一些重大的事情似乎在一夜之间发生了变化。然而,大多数情况下,就像地震前压力的积累一样,看似突然的事情其实是力量的结果…… 继续阅读 “The Slow Process of Instant Change”