Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Kathleen Sullivan 在陆地和海洋的边缘,无数生物都暴露在汹涌的海浪、空气和阳光、捕食者和潮汐变化之中。每个生物都拥有独特的特征,它们如何找到最佳位置来应对这些挑战并茁壮成长,这真是一个奇迹。…… 继续阅读 “Finding Your Best Place”
我们的服务在每个星期天上午 10:30 亲自和通过 飞涨.
Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Kathleen Sullivan 在陆地和海洋的边缘,无数生物都暴露在汹涌的海浪、空气和阳光、捕食者和潮汐变化之中。每个生物都拥有独特的特征,它们如何找到最佳位置来应对这些挑战并茁壮成长,这真是一个奇迹。…… 继续阅读 “Finding Your Best Place”
Worship Associates Micah Forstein、Bjorn Nilson 和 Ray Krise欢迎是人类在整个进化过程中践行的一种特质,如今仍在世界各地践行。尽管这些世界各地的欢迎方式因地区和古代而有所不同,且可能因种姓而受到限制,但它们有什么共同之处?我们都经历过…… 继续阅读 “World Wide Welcome”
牧师 Axel Gehrmann 和 Annie Scott 以及礼拜助理 Corey Brunson 一位古代哲学家曾经说过,“变化是生命中唯一不变的”,许多精神导师也同意这一观点。我们内心和周围的变化是不可避免的。然而,我们确实可以选择如何应对变化。我们可以成为变化的受害者,也可以成为变化的推动者…… 继续阅读 “An Invitation to Innovation”
Elaine Gehrmann 牧师和礼拜助理 Christina Zaro 为什么我们不能和睦相处?我们的会众是一群志同道合的人吗?还是有空间,甚至有义务,欢迎持不同观点的人?我们如何确认我们共同的价值观,并搭建桥梁来理解更多观点?我们将…… 继续阅读 “Building Bridges: Welcoming Those With Whom We Disagree”
Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Page Galloway, Worship Associate“Whoever you are, wherever you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome here.” These are some of the words with which we begin every Sunday service. We aspire to welcome all. And yet, to be truly welcoming is easier said than done. The spiritual dimensions of a real welcome are radical. … 继续阅读 Radical Hospitality
Revs. Axel and Elaine Gehrmann in Big Sur Worship Associates Lauren Keenan, Kathleen Craig and Celia Barberena at UUCMP It’s the Big Sur Campout Weekend! You have two choices this Sunday, you can join Revs. Elaine & Axel and the other campers at the Santa Lucia Campground for a short multigenerational open-air worship service at … 继续阅读 “Campout: Worship in the Wild”
Revs. Axel & Elaine Gehrmann, and Elizabeth GranadoJoin us for our annual multigenerational Water Communion Service, a celebration of our community. Please bring a small container of water from someplace sacred to you, which you can contribute to this worship service for all ages. OOS: https://mailchi.mp/uucmp/uucmp-oos-2021-01-10137665
Fletcher Brunson, Jill Marshall, and Sam PrichardTechnology and “Generation Z” have grown up together. Young adults today have never known a world without Google, YouTube, smartphones, and social media. The forced isolation of the pandemic integrated their lives even more thoroughly with technology as they attended school from home and could only connect with friends … 继续阅读 “Human Connection in a Digital World ”
Worship Associates Lauren Keenan and Christina Zaro WAs Christina Zaro and Lauren Keenan will be reflecting on the joyful exuberance of the endless summers of childhood. They will also consider how summers become periods of transition into young adulthood and the responsibilities that come with it. Congregants will be encouraged to share their own memories of summers past. OOS: https://mailchi.mp/uucmp/uucmp-oos-2021-01-10137645
Worship Associates Shannon Morrison & Ann Jacobson, and Guest Worship Associate Maren Martin Have you noticed how our minds love to fill in the blanks and make meaning? Do you ever pause to consider the stories you tell yourself about yourself and about others? Do these stories serve you well or do they get in … 继续阅读 “The Stories We Tell Ourselves”