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Worship Associates Micah Forstein and Ray KriseWhat role will religion play in the future? Does Unitarian Universalism have a place in that future? None of us has a crystal ball, of course. Our final birthing of cognitive, sentient artificial intelligence may be right around the corner or our contact with similar intelligences not of this … 继续阅读 “The Future of Religion and Unitarian Universalism”


Worship Associate Lauren Keenan and Mibs McCarthy Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs. The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world. Who and what are we becoming, individually and collectively? Our GA Sunday service explores these themes as we gather in community … 继续阅读 “UUA General Assembly 2023 Worship Service”


Brian Jacobson and Worship Associate Lauren Keenan  Our service will be led by Worship Associate Lauren Keenan and UUCMP member extraordinaire Brian Jacobson. Brian, an arborist, storyteller and longtime UUCMP church member, will lead us on a virtual tour of the UUCMP woods. He will share what’s here, what changes have happened over 40 years, … 继续阅读 “Steps on The Path: A Tour and a Call to Action”


JoAnna Daum 牧师和礼拜助理 Ann Jacobson 和 Corey Brunson 什么是精神领袖?什么是精神领导力?Joanna Daum 牧师将分享她对“精神领袖”的理解和看法,并指导我们挖掘每个人内心的精神领袖…… 继续阅读 “Spiritual Leadership”


牧师 Axel Gehrmann 和礼拜助理 MicahForstein 在这个父亲节,我们缅怀我们认识的父亲,思考父亲身份不断演变的意义。我们每个人都被父亲塑造,被他们慈爱的养育和个人的局限性、被他们关爱的存在和痛苦的缺席、被他们的希望和恐惧塑造。…… 继续阅读 “The Delight of Dad Jokes”


牧师 Axel Gehrmann、礼拜助理 Page Galloway 和 Christina Zaro 生活质量总是与快乐的能力成正比,”诗人 May Sarton 写道。Sarton 的话既是一个重要的提醒,也是一个挑战,尤其是在这个复杂的时代。你在哪里找到快乐?你如何体验快乐?…… 继续阅读 “Dimensions of Delight”


Ray Krise 和 Bjorn Nilson当我们考虑创造力的概念时,我们往往首先想到艺术:音乐、绘画、舞蹈、文学、建筑等等。但创造力是生命本身的核心。创造力定义了我们的存在。以进化作为变革的范例,我们这些自称有知觉的人能否…… 继续阅读 “Co-creating With the Universe”