Archives : Prestations de service

« Faire face au changement »

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Page Galloway Even in the best of circumstances, change can be challenging. Changing our habits or changing our home, changing our perspective or changing our mind – any self-initiated attempt to change has its challenges. But what about the changes that are foisted upon us, whether we like it … Continuer à lire “Coping With Change”

« Savourer le Goo »

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Ann Johnson The multi-stepped transformation from caterpillar to butterfly is a familiar one, but what’s really happening in the middle there, betwixt and between, while in cocoon or chrysalis? What lessons might we draw from their natural process that might help us with our own in-betweens? OOS:

« Le courage du changement »

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Max Cajar In the course of your life, as you grow and change – ideally – you will become the person you are truly meant to be. Pursuing your life’s calling is deeply rewarding, but it is also risky. There is comfort in conformity. Remaining on well-traveled roads feels … Continuer à lire “The Courage to Change”

« Le fondement religieux de la justice »

Worship Associates Shannon Morrison and Ray Krise Unitarian Universalists are known for our love of justice, but what motivates us to act for justice? Is it the desire to live by the Golden Rule? Simple altruism? There may be many different grounds for championing fairness in personal matters and justice on the broader social scale. … Continuer à lire “The Religious Ground of Justice”

"Soit la lumière"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Bjorn Nilson This year our canvass theme is “Be the Light.” How can we best be the beacon of religious liberalism on the hill– how can our lights shine even more brightly to illumine our hearts and minds and those of our fellow spiritual seekers?

« Le fair-play dans le jeu de la vie »

Rev. Axel Gehrmann and Worship Associate Lauren Keenan It is self-evident that all people are created equal, some have said – as if equality were a given in this great nation. Our UU principles affirm “equity,” rather than “equality.” Equity and equality are two aspects of the justice we strive toward – both point to … Continuer à lire “Fair Play in the Game of Life”

"Entends-tu les gens chanter?"

Rev. Elaine Gehrmann and Worship Associate Christina Zaro Les Misérables is a classic tale of inequity and the quest for justice. This morning we will explore the themes of this musical, based on the novel by Victor Hugo — a tale of love, betrayal, revolution, idealism, and redemption. OOS:

"Nous vivons dans l'espoir"

Fletcher Brunson, Jillian Marshall, and Worship Associate Corey Brunson Many people today are expressing discouragement with the world, citing problems such as climate change, political unrest, and cruelty towards others, Yet this is a situation that has faced each generation for millennia. Love liberates hope. We can have hope for a better and more just … Continuer à lire “We Live in Hope”

"Un petit acte d'amour peut libérer une vie"

La Révérende Elaine Gehrmann et le conseiller de culte Max Cajar Lorsque nous pensons à la libération, nous pensons souvent à des mouvements sociaux monumentaux, à des dirigeants héroïques et à des actions à grande échelle, et pourtant, ce sont souvent de petits gestes d’amour discrets qui peuvent faire une énorme différence dans une vie. Nous admirons et apprécions certainement les actes coordonnés de grande envergure en faveur de la libération, … Continuer à lire “A Small Act of Love Can Liberate a Life”

«Des rêves et des rêveurs»

Le révérend Axel Gehrmann et la conseillère de culte Celia Barberena À l’été 1963, le révérend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. a prononcé un discours à Washington, DC, appelant aux droits civils et économiques. Il est considéré comme l’un des discours les plus emblématiques de l’histoire américaine. Les mots les plus connus et les plus cités aujourd’hui sont : « J’ai … Continuer à lire “Of Dreams and Dreamers”