Forfatter: Karina Briseno
marts Shared Plate-modtager – Juridiske tjenester for seniorer
Legal Services for Seniors (LSS) is a nonprofit organization providing legal assistance and representation at no charge to Monterey County seniors (60 and over). LSS is a local agency, founded in 1985, that is supported by local organizations, including: the Hospice Giving Foundation, Yellow Brick Road and Monterey Peninsula Volunteers Services Benefit Shops, The Monterey … Fortsæt med at læse March Shared Plate Recipient – Legal Services for Seniors
Der er brug for frivillige fra Big Sur Marathon
UUCMP has helped hand out t-shirts at the Big Sur Marathon and Half Marathon for several years. Every time we’ve done it so far, UUCMP has received at least $1,000. In addition to the financial benefit, it’s fun and good for UUCMP to help our community with large events like this. We are helping people … Fortsæt med at læse Big Sur Marathon Volunteers Needed
Kan du lide at kommunikere?
The UUCMP Communications Committee is seeking new members! The mission of theCommunications Committee is to inform and engage our congregation and the widercommunity in a way that reflects and shares our principles, values, and mission. We provide,design and/or oversee consistent and coordinated messaging for the Church, its events, and itscommunication media, both internal and external … Fortsæt med at læse Do You Like to Communicate?