作者: 卡琳娜布里塞诺

UU 社会正义建议行动

Take action: Stop the mass round-ups, detentions, and deportations will help. Take Action: Tell Congress it is really time to step up and pass legislation to provide permanentprotection for the Dreamers, and other DACA recipients! Take action with UUSJ organizational friends and allies to: Take action: Urge Congress to Protect Life-Saving Federal Aid. Take Action via … 继续阅读 UU Social Justice Suggested Actions


Are you feeling demoralized, isolated, powerless, fearful? In need of a supportive community? First the pandemic, then the barrage of natural disasters and the ugly divisiveness of politics have separated us and made us feel small and ineffectual. Too many of us don’t know where to turn and have withdrawn unto ourselves.  We offer an … 继续阅读 SHELTER FROM THE STORMS