Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula (UUCMP)
Due to increasing cases in Monterey County of virulent strains of COVID-19, UUCMP now requires suitable facemasks (covering both mouth and nose, N-95 or KN-95 level of protection encouraged) for anyone entering the UUCMP building. Individuals preparing or delivering religious services may remove masks during their presentation. Indoor food service and refreshments are also suspended until further notice. The mask requirement is effective as of Saturday July 16.
April 2021 Notice
In consideration of the conditions listed below, UUCMP is hereby revising policies and protocols intended to limit transmission of COVID-19 at church events:
- Incidents of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization in Monterey County have reduced dramatically since 2021.
- Various COVID-19 mandates by federal, state and county government bodies, as well as by many businesses, have been scaled back or removed.
- A preponderance of UUCMP members and friends recently attending church events in person have documented their full vaccination for COVID-19.
- Fresh air circulation in high-occupancy spaces at UUCMP has been enhanced by new ventilation equipment, and box fans are available to exhaust air from smaller rooms.
- Quality Internet-live-streamed Sunday services and Religious Exploration classes are available for participants who choose not to attend in person.
UUCMP recognizes that COVID-19 vaccinations have not yet been approved for children under age 5, and that many people, particularly those with risky health conditions, may prefer to minimize their exposure to others while variants of COVID-19 remain in circulation.
Accordingly, the following changes in UUCMP policy and protocols shall take effect on Sunday May 1, 2022:
- The following are suspended, but remain available for reinstatement by the Board of Trustees in response to a new threat from an infectious disease:
a. COVID-19 Protocol for UUCMP Activities Inside the UUCMP Building, dated November 17, 2021
b. COVID-19 Protocol for Third-Party Activities Inside the UUCMP Building, dated November 17, 2021
c. COVID-19 Vaccination Policy, dated January 19, 2022 The UUCMP Policy for Outdoor Activity, dated November 17, 2021 remains in effect. - UUCMP encourages everyone who is medically qualified and age-eligible to seek vaccination and booster shots to limit the spread and personal impact of COVID-19. Registration with UUCMP of anyone’s COVID-19 vaccination status is optional, but, in case needed during a future outbreak and related resumption of protection policies, it remains available through email or visit to the church office (see UUCMP.org for details).
- Wearing of facial masks to limit airborne spread of infectious disease is encouraged, but not required at UUCMP. Individuals exhibiting disease symptoms (e.g., fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; severe fatigue; dry cough; unusual body aches; difficulty breathing or shortness of breath) should refrain from entering the church building, and are encouraged to be tested for COVID-19 infection.
- Event sign-in forms and vaccination/attendance tracking for potential contact tracing are discontinued. Entrance doors for Sunday services at UUCMP will no longer be limited to the Welcome Hall. The Foyer driveway will be available for traffic.
- Post-event decontamination wipe-down of high-contact surfaces is not required.
- Imposing a waiting period between scheduled uses of a particular room or space at UUCMP is no longer required.
- UUCMP supports the social-distancing preferences of people attending church events in person. Use of adhesive, color-coded stickers for expressing those preferences during events will continue, as will distanced initial setup of chairs for those events. Similarly, the following occupancy limits for UUCMP spaces remain in effect:

- When there is food shared during an event, service from the kitchen must be through the pass-through openings into the sanctuary, managed by a limited number of people (maximum 4) in the kitchen.
This policy change allows resumption of many pre-pandemic practices at UUCMP. However, it does not require them. Respective, cognizant church staff and committees will decide when and how to reintroduce other aspects of church life, such as:
- Printing and distribution of paper Orders of Service on Sundays
- Passing collection baskets during the Offering period of church services
- Coffee, tea and snack availability before and after Sunday services
- Fully-staffed Religious Exploration classes
- Staffed nursery service on Sundays
Internet live-streaming of Sunday church services is now considered a permanent feature of UUCMP’s religious program. Remote (Zoom) attendance at church-sponsored meetings and discussion groups will remain an option for attendees.