作者: 卡琳娜布里塞诺

三月份共享车牌接收者 – 老年人法律服务

Legal Services for Seniors (LSS) is a nonprofit organization providing legal assistance and representation at no charge to Monterey County seniors (60 and over). LSS is a local agency, founded in 1985, that is supported by local organizations, including: the Hospice Giving Foundation, Yellow Brick Road and Monterey Peninsula Volunteers Services Benefit Shops, The Monterey … 继续阅读 March Shared Plate Recipient – Legal Services for Seniors


The UUCMP Communications Committee is seeking new members! The mission of theCommunications Committee is to inform and engage our congregation and the widercommunity in a way that reflects and shares our principles, values, and mission. We provide,design and/or oversee consistent and coordinated messaging for the Church, its events, and itscommunication media, both internal and external … 继续阅读 Do You Like to Communicate?