Author: Karina Briseno

UUA Elections Announcement Unitarian Universalist Association

The UUA Presidential Search Committee (PSC) has nominated the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as candidate for UUA President, for the 2023-2029 term. Rev. Dr. Betancourt is an experienced leader and theologian in Unitarian Universalism, including formerly serving as a professor at Starr King School for the Ministry, and as Interim Co-President of the UUA in … Continue reading UUA Elections Announcement Unitarian Universalist Association

Social Justice Action Announcements for December

Action:  Sign the petition and be a part of the International Appeal for a Christmastime Peace in Ukraine.  Call for a ceasefire in Ukraine for Christmas 2022/2023, from the 25th of December to the 7th of January, as a sign of our shared humanity, reconciliation, and peace. ### Action Alerts:  Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable … Continue reading Social Justice Action Announcements for December

Men’s I-Help Dinner

There will be a Men’s I-Help dinner, Sunday December 11th, and we need your help and contributions. Sign up to contribute food on the “Men’s I-Help Dinner” contribution list posted on the Activities and News bulletin board. Sign up to volunteer to help in the kitchen by signing up on the ‘Volunteers for Men’s I-Help … Continue reading Men’s I-Help Dinner