Author: Karina Briseno
Seeking Volunteers for the I-HELP Women Program Once a Month
Please join UUCMP members and friends to welcome women in the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP). We provide a warm meal, provided by the volunteers, and a safe place to spend the night once a month on the fourth Sunday. We arrive at the church at 4:45 p.m., set up for the evening meal, … Continue reading Seeking Volunteers for the I-HELP Women Program Once a Month
Worship Service For May 15, 2022, Order Of Service, And Zoom Link
e-News May 11, 2022
Introduction to Islam for UUs Seminar Series might Unitarian Universalists understand and relate to Islam, as a faith tradition? Please join us for this three-part seminar, co-sponsored by the Church of the Larger Fellowship and the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan, for Unitarian Universalists to move into a deeper understanding of the Islamic faith and its beliefs & traditions. Unitarian Universalist-Muslim leaders, … Continue reading Introduction to Islam for UUs Seminar Series
Church Picnic/ DRE Erin & Elizabeth Hello Goodbye
The church Picnic has been changed. There will be a Hello Goodbye reception for DRE’s Elizabeth and Erin after the church service on May 22nd instead. We will not meet at Veterans park but just stay at church after the worship service for snacks, drinks, and chatting in the foyer. All ages are welcomed. We … Continue reading Church Picnic/ DRE Erin & Elizabeth Hello Goodbye
Living the 8th Principle: “Walk of Remembrance”
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History and Stanford Hopkins Marine Station Saturday May 14, 2022, 1:00 – 4:30 pm Please register for the events using our eventbrite link.…/walk-of-remembrance…Honoring the life and legacy of Gerry Low-Sabado, a descendant of Quock Mui and Quock Tuck Lee of the Chinese fishing village at Point Alones, for her work … Continue reading Living the 8th Principle: “Walk of Remembrance”
Worship Service For May 8, 2022, Order Of Service, And Zoom Link
e-News May 4, 2022
May Women’s Discussion Newsletter
The Women’s Discussion Group fosters friendship and sharingof ideas among women in UUCMP and the wider community. To enrich our lives, weexplore a variety of interests and experiences in an open and accepting atmosphereand cover a wide range of topics. We welcome all women to our monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Thursdayof … Continue reading May Women’s Discussion Newsletter