Author: Karina Briseno
A Message of Gratitude from the UUA President
UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray has recorded two wonderful videos for the holiday season. Please enjoy them whenever you take a little time for quiet reflection. Here is Susan’s homily on gratitude: ? Here’s her guided meditation on gratitude:
Photos Needed for Candlelight Service!
This year, UUCMP will offer our Christmas Eve candlelight service as we did last year, via Zoom. You can participate in the Christmas Eve service! Please take a picture of yourself holding a lit candle, whether alone or with family, whether in daylight or in the dark, and send it to Susan Panttaja ( by … Continue reading Photos Needed for Candlelight Service!
e-News December 8, 2021
Winter Christmas Concert!
We invite you to join us on Sunday, December 12th, at 2 p.m., for a virtual concert with gifted singer/songwriter Shannon Warto and inspiring flautist Camellia Latta, who have been guest musicians during services at the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula (UUCMP). Come and celebrate the holidays with this rousing and spirited performance of … Continue reading Winter Christmas Concert!