Message from Transforming Hearts Collective

Dear friend,
We very rarely email you, but we wanted to be sure you knew about a new offering we’ve just announced: a set of webinars for Unitarian Universalists on trans justice and safety in this political moment.
As we’re sure you’re aware, political and legislative attacks on trans people have escalated to the point where fully half of U.S. states have banned best-practice medical care for trans youth, among scores of equally repressive legislation. It is a terrifying time for trans people and our loved ones.
Our upcoming free webinars, led by the Transforming Hearts Collective in partnership with Side With Love, UUSC, and Pink Haven Coalition, will equip attendees to understand the targeted political and legislative attack that trans/nonbinary people are currently facing, gain tools to advocate for trans rights, and ensure that their congregations are welcoming and safe spaces for trans/nonbinary people and our families in this moment.
There are two webinars for people in different areas:
Monday September 16, 8-9:30pm Eastern / 5-6:30pm Pacific: for UUs in legislatively hostile areas
Tuesday October 1, 8-9:30pm Eastern / 5-6:30pm Pacific: for UUs in legislatively protective areas
People who aren’t in the United States (but are still interested in gaining information and resources) and people in U.S. areas where the legislative landscape is complicated are welcome to attend either or both webinars. The main content of the webinars will be recorded and shared with registrants, so folks who are interested in receiving a recording are encouraged to register.
Sign up now for one of these webinars or get more information at And please help us spread the word!