Category: News & Announcements


We’ll be setting up tables and rearranging the Sanctuary and Welcome Hall on Wednesday morning, August 28th.   Everyone who has signed up for a table will bring their goods to set up on Thursday morning, the 29th.  During the sale on Friday and Saturday, we hope that people bringing goods will stay or make arrangements … Continue reading SUPER FLEA IS HAPPENING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 AND 31ST! 

UUCMP Service Auction Planning!

Our annual Service Auction will be coming up at the end of October, and our theme this year is “Fabulous Fiction!”  If you would like to help with planning this fun fundraising event, please contact Rev. Elaine.  Our next planning meeting will be on Thursday Aug. 15 at 5 pm on zoom.

August Shared Plate Recipient – Housing Resource Center

The Housing Resource Center (HRC) mission is to provide a continuum of housing resources for homeless prevention and affordable housing opportunities. HRC fosters community stability, stronger communities, and personal economic empowerment through education, advocacy, counseling and services. They help people who are homeless and need a place to rent and those with a notice to … Continue reading August Shared Plate Recipient – Housing Resource Center

Men’s I-HELP for August 11th

On August 11th UUCMP will host and provide meals for Men’s I-HELP (Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program.)  We are planning for about 25 guests. We need your help to provide the donations of food for the meals.   We can also use your help with setting up, preparing food and greeting the men.  Please sign up on this link:    Men’s I-HELP MEAL … Continue reading Men’s I-HELP for August 11th

RE Weekly News 7/17

YOUNG(ISH) ADULT GROUP * Sunday Jul 28, 2024 – Young(ish) Adults Lunch Meet Up – After Church! 12-2pmLet’s Go to the Mall!  Like Robin Sparkles sings, the mall is a place with something for everybody.  Although there isn’t technically a food court at Del Monte Center, grab lunch from your favorite spot and meet at … Continue reading RE Weekly News 7/17

RE Weekly News 7/10

July 10, 2024 Is it just me or does summer seem to be slipping by quickly?  I wish there was a way we could slow down and savor the season.  What are some of your favorite summer traditions?  BBQs, camp outs, baseball games, swimming, the taste of sun ripened vegetables, fruits and berries.   Our Religious … Continue reading RE Weekly News 7/10

Men’s I-HELP for July 14th

On July 14th UUCMP will host and provide meals for Men’s I-HELP (Interfaith HomelessEmergency Lodging Program.) We are planning for about 25 guests.We need your help to provide the donations of food for the meals. We can also use yourhelp with setting up, preparing food and greeting the men. Please sign up on the link … Continue reading Men’s I-HELP for July 14th