Category: News & Announcements

July Shared Plate Recipient – Habitat Stewardship Project Monterey Bay

The Habitat Stewardship Project Monterey Bay (HSP) may be known to many UUCMP congregants by our former name, Return of the Natives Restoration Education Project. Changing our name in January 2023 was the only part of our work that is different since our founding in 1994. Our mission is to “bring people closer to nature … Continue reading July Shared Plate Recipient – Habitat Stewardship Project Monterey Bay

June Shared Plate Recipient – Empathy in Action

Our June Shared Plate recipient is Empathy in Action, an empathy-based program that encourages emotional understanding, forgiveness and personal growth between the incarcerated at Correctional Training Facility (CTF) Soledad Prison and the public. The core beliefs include the worth and dignity of every human being, and the belief that “gentleness comes only from the strong.” … Continue reading June Shared Plate Recipient – Empathy in Action

More DRE Transition News

As many of you know, our Director of Religious Exploration (DRE) Sharyn Routh is moving with her family to Massachusetts, and must resign from her position, effective June 9. We are happy to announce that Shannon Morrison will be stepping up to serve as our Acting DRE, beginning June 1. Shannon has been a UUCMP … Continue reading More DRE Transition News

DRE Transition–

Our wonderful DRE Sharyn Routh is moving with her family to Massachusetts. Please see more info here. Sharyn’s last day as DRE will be June 9 – we will recognize her and there will be cake! We wish Sharyn and her family all the best in this new transition, they will be missed!

Summer Office Hours

For the months of June, July & August, our church office hours will be Wednesday and Fridays from 10:00-12:00. Please also note that the office will be closed the week of June 17th – June 21st. 

Social Justice Actions for May

Action Alerts:  Visit FCNL’s Action Center for a list of action alerts and pre-formatted/editable letters to members of Congress. Hosted by Friends Committee on National Legislation Action Center (FCNL).

Men’s I-HELP for June 9th

On June 9th UUCMP will host and provide meals for Men’s I-HELP (Interfaith HomelessEmergency Lodging Program.) We are planning for about 25 guests. We need your help to provide the donations of food for the meals. We can also use yourhelp with setting up, preparing food and greeting the men. Please sign up on the … Continue reading Men’s I-HELP for June 9th

From the Muse to the Pews – a periodic newsletter from WorshipWeb

“The Muppet who sings prays twice.”—St. Augustine (….probably, if he’d known about Muppets) ANYWAY, we have exciting Virtual Hymnal news!  from Camille:I’m the Consulting Manager for the UUA’s Virtual Hymnal. On behalf of your Virtual Hymnal Task Force, we invite you to join us as we present a first encounter with our prototype hymnal! We’d … Continue reading From the Muse to the Pews – a periodic newsletter from WorshipWeb

Our Condolences

Our condolences to the family and friends of long-time member Lynne Powers, who passed away peacefully on May 2nd, after a long period of declining health. A memorial service celebrating Lynne’s life is scheduled for Saturday, June 15, at 2:00 p.m.