Caring Community
The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula is community of caring people, ready to accept and connect, grieve and rejoice, respond and support. Our ministers and members reach out to the congregation and our community in many ways. The two main groups offering caring support to the congregation are Caring Network and Pastoral Associates. Learn more about what each group can offer.

Pastoral Care Associates
The Pastoral Care Team is made up of Associates who serve the congregation by offering caring and spiritual support to members and friends of the church in times of need. This can include members who cannot attend church for some reason, and those who are ill or grieving or facing other difficulties in their lives. Pastoral Care is offered through personal visits and, as appropriate, by telephone and written contact, including email. These conversations are held in confidentiality, not to be shared outside the Pastoral Care Team. The entire team meets monthly with the ministers to share information and resources and to support one another in their work. Associates are chosen by the Senior Minister after a personal conversation. Requests for assistance from a Pastoral Care Associate can be directed to the church office or one of the ministers.